Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time To Get Off "The Crazy Train"

Frankly, I have been worried about myself. I realized that at times, I was on "The Crazy Train," because of Obama and his failure to provide his birth certificate.... and his Marxist views and policy's that are destroying this country, and "pitting" the "haves against the have nots". No! I have not just been on "The Crazy Train", I have been driving it. The events of last week had my brain "mentally boiling". My pulse rate was over 100, resting.  I had a conversation with my friend, Robert, and he really corrected my thinking, and today, my pulse rate is 85, after working for over 2 hours at washing the car, taking care of the dogs, watering the garden, and doing some general working on the plants around my estate. Here is what he told me:

Nothing stays the same. Everything on earth changes daily. As nothing can be created, nor destroyed, everything "recycles".  Every positive is connected to a negative, and that negative is connected to a positive, and so on, and so on, till infinity. There is just no reason to get excited about politics. You can rant and rave, and spend money on books, and go to rally's, and the end result will be the same. What is going to happen is going to happen. Don't worry about trying to elect someone that you think will stop this "march" towards Socialism. It is going to happen regardless because the mass of our population wants stability, and to have pensions, while not working, equal to their previous earnings when working. The masses want early retirement so that they can play golf, or take vacations. All the while, expecting the working people to pay increased taxes to provide this lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are just too many people aboard this fast sinking "ship";  Bringing out this observation: How much sugar can you put in a 2 pound bag? Well, Robert, gave me these additional facts:

"If you're a family trying to cut back, you might skip going out to dinner, or you might put off a vacation. President Obama, (Jan 15, 2011). He has taken over 90 vacations since taking office, and not missed a meal at some restaurant.

First lady, Michelle Obama, went to Restaurant Kelly Liken in Vail Village on Saturday night, dining on a braised ancho-chile short rib with hominy wild mushrooms (the Vail Daily reported.Feb. 21, 2011). This only days after declaring that Americans are obese, and need to cut fats in their diet.

When 2007 began, 26 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, an all-time record 44 million Americans are on food stamps.

Approximately half of all American workers make $25,000 a year or less.

Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income.

Recent statistics actually indicate that the number of unemployed Americans is still going up.

In 2010, for the first time ever, more than a million U.S. families lost their homes to foreclosure, and that number is expected to go even higher in 2011.

So you can see for yourself that there is no future riding "The Crazy Train".  Time to get off, and think about what to do, to prepare for the inevitable crash.
Lord Howard Hurts   

Friday, April 29, 2011

Crazy Train

I admit that sometimes I feel that I am on " The Crazy Train" when dealing with this Obama birth certificate issue. As with the Watergate Scandal, this issue is more about the lies, and deceptions, than the actual birth certificate, and the need to know if Obama Sr. is really the father of Obama. the Marxist ll. But the bottom line is that all the problems that have been caused are the responsibility of President Obama, himself. He was not forthcoming at the start, and it is not clear that he is forthcoming, and transparent, even now. Most of the "Birthers" are just regular citizens trying to find the truth, and a way to depose this Marxist President, using the tenants of the Constitution as their guide. This nation has been slowly "sliding" into decay for over 70 years....... during both Republican and Democratic administrations.  Obama has just increased the speed of that decline, and it is for this reason he needs to be removed from office. I truly believe that with the financial collapse, the corruption of Congress, and the Marxist leanings of this President and his followers, this nation will not survive as a Republic to see the elections of 2012. I truly believe that if Obama is not removed from office now, there will only be a Coronation in November of 2012.
Lord Howard Hurts 

Proof That Obama's "New" Birth Certificate Is As Fake As The First

It is sad that so called Defenders of the Constitution, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and so many others, do not have the courage to look at this long form birth certificate, finally presented up by Obama, and examine it to insure that it is a True Copy. Forget for the time being that Obama has fought so hard to keep from showing it, and has even let Patriots of this country go to jail rather than  just presenting it in a court of law as asked, but how about just "viewing" it through the "eyes" of Logic. There is nothing in this "new" offering that logically accounts for Obama spending so much time and money to keep it from the public eyes. Secondly, Obama, has been caught many times making false statements (I am sure even Bill O'Reilly will attest to this statement). Then why, based on his track record (Obama) would rational, defenders of the Constitution, be so fast to declare this "new" birth certificate  a True Copy, and ask that the "Birthers" be put back on the "Crazy Train"?  There are several answers to this question. The main one is that they, Coulter, O'Reilly, and Beck, had declared the short form certificate to be a True Copy, and when the second, long form was finally given, and it matched (what a surprise) the first one, what else would cowards do but accept it with "open arms"? I assume that they also are afraid to be labeled Racists by both the press, and the defenders of Obama. Here is something that needs to be mentioned; Obama is not black. He is half white. So why are persons who want him removed, on the grounds of him not being Constitutionally qualified, labeled as Racists? This Rant hurts the "mental fairness" of logical people. This is a Marxist Rant.

This country is on the edge of destruction. It is moving fast towards this end because the logical defenders of the Constitution have  for too long not taken a stand. I assure you, that if Obama finishes his 4 years as President, there will be no elections in 2012. There will be a Coronation.

If you are a Patriot, please do two things. One. Check out this youtube video:    Proof the Obama Birth Certificate is a Fake.  And second, check out:  and read:  The Mossad Holds The Key To The Obama Presidency: Feb. 20, 2011


The Mossad Holds The Key To The Obama Presidency: Feb. 20, 2011

President Obama has repeatedly said Israeli settlements are "illegitimate" and has been less supportive of the Jewish state than most of his predecessors. It had been thought that Obama might vote against Israel on this UN settlements issue, but when the vote came, the United States used its veto to address the threat. It should be noted that this veto from the US was the only vote against  this  UN security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Germany, France, and Britain all voted for the resolution. So what may have been the reason for the Obama veto?  

President Obama had been showing his true socialist colors  before, and during the fall of the Mubarak government in Egypt. He has not "blessed" the attempted overturns in Libya, Bahrain, Iran, or Yemen. His dislike for Israel is both shown and known. There is every reason to believe that he is a Muslim, rather than the Christian he professes to be in both his campaigns, and in the press.  And if he is not a true Muslim, he has definite leanings in that direction, and it is a fact that he attended a Muslim school when a youth. The hidden reason that pressed him to use the veto on this current issue is that the Israeli Mossad, the Collections Department, responsible for intelligence-gathering operations abroad, holds the key to the Birth Certificate issue that is now gaining traction even in the media that has supported Obama from his earliest days in Chicago. Obama has used attorney's, and his powerful allies, to have courts in the US dismiss suits on his eligibility;  the theory of those bringing the suits being that he is not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Constitution. He has had every case dismissed under the legal theory that the plaintiff has "no standing" to bring such a suit against the President of the United States. Obama has also seen that Lt. Col. Lakin, a distinguished career military doctor, was found guilty for his asking that this President, Obama, prove that he is qualified to serve as President and Commander In Chief. For now the issue continues to only be forwarded by the WorldNetDaily, but polls have recently shown that a majority of citizens in the US have doubts as to where Obama was born.  The Mossad has the "smoking gun," and they have let Obama know it. But if they think that by withholding  this information, Obama, will help with the defense of Israel  in return for keeping him in power, they are so mistaken. Once the Calaphate is established, Obama, will have gained enough power in the US to either stop the Presidential elections, and assume dictatorial powers, or he will have been elected to his second illegal term as President. Either way Israel will be destroyed. It is best that the Mossad turn all its information over to WorldNetDaily, and let them continue to "push" for the immediate removal of Obama.

Lord Howard Hurts 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Am Paavlov's Dog

Today showing of his long form birth certificate by President Obama revealed little more evidence than provided by the previous short form one he had posted on the Internet.  Everything seems to be in order, the only noticeable difference being the headings. One heading saying, "Certification of Live Birth", and the other saying, "Certificate of Live Birth". Is this of any significance? I doubt it. But at last I can rest and be safe in the assessment made about "Birthers" by Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton (the person who first asked for Obama to show his birth certificate),  CNN,  and other "Believers", that I am "certified insane" for even thinking that there could have been a problem with Obama, and his birth certificate. I accept their knowledge and wisdom. I, from this day forward  will not dispute anything Obama says, and will not speculate on anything he withholds from public display.  I am a "Believer".  I am an unworthy "Believer", so I will now let Ann Coulter, and the other true "Believers" take charge of making the choice of which Republican to challenge Obama in 2012. And, as I am "certified insane", I will refrain from voting in all elections in 2012, as I really don't think persons who exhibit mental illness should be allowed to vote. I will watch Coulter, and the other "Believers",  because I now understand that I am, "Pavlov's dog".  I will also pray to Harvard, three times a day (just before meals. I truly am "Pavlov's dog"). 

Post Script: It is hard to believe that Obama went to so much trouble, and expense, and waited over 2 years, to keep people from seeing the name of the hospital he was born at, the name of the person attending the birth,  and the name of the delivering doctor. What part of "privacy" was he so worried about? Then there is the fact that his mother's race was listed as Caucasian, something that could not be changed as it was already on the first, short form, "birth certificate" he had posted. Was Caucasian really the term used in 1961? Or was this just a "slip up" when the first certificate was "printed"? But then what does "Pavlov's dog" know?
Lord Howard Hurts

The Coming Crisis

Like the housing crisis that even the "experts" did not see coming,  that has thrown this countries economy into the future realm of massive inflation, the New Crisis will test both the desire and strength of this nations citizens to continue with the Noble Experiment called Freedom.  Our freedoms have gradually been eroded, and removed, through lack of education about the Philosophy of the history of this great country. And even though most citizens endure 12 years of basic education, there are few graduates who hold even the most basic idea of the concept of freedom, and the necessary  work and sacrifices needed to keep this Experiment alive. 

We currently are living in an era that brings new meaning, and definition, to Time and Space.  Because of technology, time seems to be moving faster than just 70 years previous. And as the speed of time increases, our population is exploding upwards, making it more difficult for our citizens to  understand that regardless of the expanding technology all around us, there is still a need for persons to pour concrete, flip burgers, and stand by the roadside, each day, holding a sign that reads: "Slow! Paving Workers Ahead". Speed suddenly becomes the "drug"  of the "future world" and society.  And not wanting to face the reality, that to continue this desire for speed, society, by necessity, will have to have a workforce of "drones",  the elites disregard all Natural Laws, and supplant these Natural Laws with self serving, irrational, Socialistic Laws; Socialistic "theories" that have been tried over and over again, since the beginning of the human race, and have always ended in failure.  Freedom is so elusive, and precious, because it, like a well kept garden, needs to be fed, watered, pruned, and tended, and any failure to provide this care always results in death. 

So here we stand at the "fork in the road". One road leading to "Death", and the other leading to "Freedom". We have as our guide, President Obama. His history is hidden from us because Elites have a need to protect each other, and their misguided ideas, but his past actions make it clear that he is a fraud, a liar, a bragger, a non performer in the American economy, a person who has been "dragged along" by others because he is a non thinker (puppet),  a Muslim in theory, if not actual practice, and a hater of The American Constitution. Now, which road do you think he will take? We have two more years of his "Steering" this Nation, and unless we are a Nation of Cowards and Sheep, it is time we remove him.... Immediately.  He is well aware that his "Cover" is broken and his "Coded Speech" has been deciphered, and it is certain he will mount all his available forces against The Constitution. Our Supreme Court is too cowardly, and too socialistic leaning, to give the correct interpretation to issues needing the guidance of that body  (look at the issue of Obama's birth certificate and his qualifications to serve as President). So, if this Republic is to survive, it will take the work and daring of brave citizens to see that Obama is removed from office before the elections of 2012.  For if "we" decide to sit and wait, I assure you that 2012 will be a Coronation rather than an election. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How About Letting Obama Speak For Himself?

Good work CNN, BUT….how about letting President Obama speak for himself? If he has a long form birth certificate, let him bring it out, and let the Birthers see it. Don’t give me the excuse that he could do this, but that the Birthers would not believe it anyway. Stop talking for President Obama (CNN). This man talks and talks everyday. Why can’t he seem to find his voice on this subject? Prove the Birthers wrong once and for all by putting the long form birth certificate in the hands of Donald Trump, or, is it reasonable to assume that President Obama has something to hide? Where are his school records? Where are his passport records? Where are his adoption records? Where are his student loan records? Where are his Selective Service records? Is he using more than one SS number? Birther are citizens, President Obama is a public servant not a royal. He has a duty to provide all the information asked for, and it is not his problem if the Birthers don’t believe the provided information. Just put the information “on the table” so the public can do their own due diligence to see that the rules provided by the Constitution are being followed.

Here is the REAL deal on Obama's birth  certificate. Unfortunately, most everyone is going off on the wrong "trail". Obama is really a Natural Born citizen of this country. This is the reason that he "toys" with the "Birthers", and men of courage like Lt. Col. Lakin. Obama knows that should push came to shove, and the cowards in the media are not going to do it, he could prove that he is a Natural Born citizen. All the different published facts confuse the issue because some of the facts found are true, and some are false. But the real fact of the matter is that Obama is the son of his "grandfather", Stanley Armour Dunham, and his mother is, as yet, some unnamed black woman. Yes, I repeat, Obama is the son of his "grandfather", Stanley Armour Dunham. If you should doubt this check, and you will find that in May of 1997, all the records contained in a file, gathered and recorded by the FBI, detailing an investigation of Stanley Armour Dunham, were deleted.  Dunham, it noted, was a frequent "customer" of black prostitutes. Now the issue of the "marriage" of Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, which there is no proof, other than what Obama wrote about it in his book, is understood as only a "ruse" to avoid the moral fallout of that time period. So the issue of Obama being a Natural Born citizen is final, regardless if he was, or was not, born in Hawaii. Additional proof that this scenario is true can be logically substantiated by the very fact that Obama has spent many thousands of dollars to send lawyers to courts to stop from having to provide a legal long form birth certificate from Hawaii. Why would this President worry about letting his detractors see his legal birth certificate? Is he afraid that someone will assume his identity? Nonsense. Many of these law suits also ask for all his school records, all his passport information, all his adoption records, and records for all school loans he has ever received. The office of President is a job based on trust and honesty, and by not providing basic background information, information that is provided by thousands and thousands of potential employees seeking regular jobs every day, this is proof positive that there is something very negative being hidden by Obama. But alas.....This Birth Certificate issue is just a Red Herring. Stop wasting time, effort, and money on it. This President is a socialist and there is enough evidence to prove it. He is a fraud in most every way. Obama is in the process of turning this country into a democracy, and it is such a shame that the educational system of this country has been, and continues to be, so corrupt and negligent that it has not taught our youth the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. The ballot boxes will be the "guns" of this revolution unless patriotic citizens empower the military, of this nation, to do their duty to uphold this Constitution. The window of opportunity is open, but unless action is taken before the elections of 2012, this window will in all probability be closed for all history. FREEDOM is not free. It can only be held by blood, sweat, and tears by an admiring public. Long Live America and This Republic.
Lord Howard Hurts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Silver Wins

Gold and silver continue to surge
By Neil Dennis
Published: April 25 2011
While demand has been strong for both metals, silver’s rally has substantially outpaced that of gold – up 60 per cent so far this year, compared with a 7 per cent gain for bullion.

Hope that some of you took my advice and bought silver. See my article:


Buy Silver For Insurance

Our economy looks to be "tanking" sometime later this year. Now this assessment might be correct and it might be wrong, but considering all the debt that the Obama administration has added in the past two years, it would be a prudent measure to purchase "insurance"  in the form of silver just in case our paper money tanks. Tanks? Yes, tanks. There is every reason to believe that massive inflation is unavoidable because of the current spending by government, and if one has all their savings in paper money and inflation hits, can you spell "bankruptcy"? Now it is "fashionable" to purchase gold to avoid the devastation of runaway inflation, but remember that in 1933, the US government made it unlawful for a private citizen, of the United States of America, to own gold. Do you have confidence that this government, today, will do differently, should this "depression" continue?

 I say, be safe, and use history as your example. This is why I advocate "investing" in silver. Silver also has hundreds of uses in industry, whereas gold is used mostly in jewelry items, and jewelry items are pure luxury items that in time of massive inflation will not be in demand. The price of gold reflects its scarcity, today it sells at near $1,400 an ounce. Silver, on the other hand, is priced at around $30 an ounce (Jan 2011). This difference in price makes silver available to "regular" citizens who have limited savings, but want to protect what little they have saved from government driven inflation. Now, a friend of mine in Alabama wrote to me recently. He said that he was afraid of silver based on what happened to his father in 1980. His father had invested heavily as silver when it had a massive "run up" because of the "secret" investing by the Hunt brothers from Texas (search: Hunt brothers silver disaster). By 1979, silver had run up to near $50 an ounce, and then in early 1980, retreated rapidly until by 1982, it was priced at around $4.80 an ounce. Now at its peak in 1979, at near $50 an ounce, this would amount to something like, $350 an ounce in today's money. So you can see that silver at $30 an ounce,  today, does not even come close to the "risk" that it was in 1979. And remember, I am not advocating "investing" in silver to make money, I am advocating using silver as insurance against massive inflation. And "investment" of 10-15% of your savings is all that should be used for the purchase of silver. And I recommend only physical silver.

If gold was once made illegal by the government, why should I believe that silver, even thought there is no history of it happening, will fare any better?  The only reason is that the amount of available silver is huge compared to the amount of gold available. This huge amount makes it difficult for this government, or any government, to place restrictions on it ownership. This coupled with the fact that industry uses so much silver that any restrictions would cause serious problems in employment, something that  could cause riots and turn out any resident of the White House. The ratio between the cost of silver and gold, currently, is around 50 to 1. But in reality this ratio doesn't or will not hold. Why? Because of all the uses for silver as opposed to those of gold. Silver is in high demand in industry while gold is mostly used in the manufacture of luxury items and as a "store" of wealth. Silver has traditionally had a cost value ratio of 20 to 1 (silver to gold). If this ratio is correct, then when gold is at $1,400 an ounce, silver should be priced at $70 an ounce. So maybe $30 an ounce silver is not only good insurance, it might just be a good investment. Then to move one step forward. If gold should move to $3,000 and ounce (and this has been predicted by some rational thinkers), then silver would move up correspondingly, and have a price of near $150 an ounce. Of course this is all based on speculation, but watching the Obama administration work makes this type of speculation seem a forgone conclusion, to me anyway. So read and think, and maybe buy some silver as insurance from personal financial disaster should massive inflation hit. Remember that during the depression of the 1920's and 30's, a luxury automobile that had cost $10,000 or $20,000 prior to the depression could be purchased for $100. Building lots on Miami Beach, which had been going for $10,000 each, could be purchased for $100, and even at those prices there were few takers as there just was no money around. Study and Think, and protect yourself, because this Obama government will not be of any help to anyone other than those who have their "hands out", and will vote democrat. We are near the point of voting in socialism, while all the time disregarding the warnings from history. There is no such thing as a free lunch.   

Lord Howard Hurts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Proof That The Elections Of 2012 Are Over

The Oklahoma Daily
Tom Taylor/The Daily
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Contrary to popular opinion, no one is getting rich on the welfare system. In fact, most aren’t even getting by.

Let’s look at the case of a single non-working mother of five who lives in Cleveland County, has been on the public dole for the past 10 years and does not receive child support. Just how much in benefits would she qualify for?

As a family of six, she could expect to receive $952 per month in Food Stamps — now known as SNAP. Since she is not working and has children, she and her children would qualify for Medicaid. Since she has been on welfare for 10 years, she has probably already expended her five year lifetime limit of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families so she will not receive any more cash assistance. Because there are six people in her home, she qualifies for a four bedroom home or apartment to be subsidized by the Section 8 program in an amount no greater than $993 per month for rent and utilities. Because she is not disabled, she does not qualify for any other major programs.

Other than the cost of medical care for her and her children, she will receive $1,945 per month from the taxpayers. That’s $23,340 per year. Does this constitute as rich?

In America, the poverty level for a family of six is $29,990 a year. Essentially, the contributions from the taxpayers allow this family to live at 78 percent of the poverty level."

Are you crying yet?  What logical reason does this single, non-working, mother of 5 have for receiving had earned tax money? None.  But that doesn't stop this socialist government from giving it to her, and thinking of reasons to increase her 78  percent poverty level payments to 100 percent equivalency of a family headed by a working, tax paying, citizen. How about taking this situation to the fullest. Lets encourage more women in Oklahoma to be single, non-working, and have 5 children. Do you really think the taxpayers will work harder to give more? I don't think so. So why not stop giving NOW? Remember, that this particular single woman did receive cash payments for 5 years in addition to the $23,340, plus medical, she now gets. And do you think she, or anyone like her, will vote for a Republican, who will demand that she be responsible for her own actions and situation? Not going to happen.  This same scenario can be applied to pensions paid to government workers, and pensions for union workers  (GM to name one). The elections of 2012 are over. There are just too many people "on the take" for anyone demanding that welfare is for the disabled only, or that all contracts, for government retirement, and union workers pensions, be revised to reasonable levels (no more government bail outs for businesses too big to fail). The only solution is for every, currently working, citizen of this nation to quit working, and go on welfare. Let the system collapse from within. The productive citizens, of this nation, have to stop enabling these "slugs" in government to  take anymore of the hard earnd wages, from the productive citizens,  just to give it out to buy votes. Buying votes is illegal, and this illegal behavior needs to be punished. 
Lord Howard Hurts

The End Of The Republic Is Near

Please don't shoot the messenger, but the elections of 2012, are over. A friend of mind sent me the transcript to a recent Rush Limbaugh radio broadcast. In this transcript, Rush, gave the poll numbers of the dissatisfaction, by American citizens, of the job Obama is presently doing. Rush pointed out that the numbers show that Republicans can easily defeat Obama in the coming elections. That the Republicans have not even chosen a candidate, and the numbers project an Obama defeat. Sorry to bring you the bad news, Rush, but the election is over. The Republicans have no leader. The truth of the matter is that a "Socialist Bible Thumper" (Huckabee), a "Candy Ass" (Romney), or a "Screechy Voiced" Woman (Palin) pose no "threat" to the guy with the "Golden Voice", who has the ability of Svengali and Houdini combined. 

Limbaugh, and others of his ilk, that profess to know how to "fight the socialist Democrats," without engaging in more than a "war of words," are so lost, and out of touch with reality. They don't understand that to win this last battle for the Republic, one must "fight fire with fire". There will be no "special points" given to those who lose the election, but "talked the right talk". And I assure you that this is the last battle for the Republic. This Republic has been in decline for over 70 years. This is not something that has happened because of Obama. Obama is just the "puppet" the socialist have put in charge to "bring the lambs to the slaughter". 2012 was going to be the last battle, but it is already lost. I had tried to get the Republicans to look to a military leader as our next President because only a military leader understands, and can take the necessary actions needed to save this Republic. We are engaged in a war, not a war of words, but an actual war with the socialists. They will fight on regardless of who wins the election of 2012. We need a leader who understands this, and the danger that these socialist exhibit. A leader who understands that in a war, sometimes the rules and freedoms are temporally suspended. Someone, who understands the Constitution, and understands that the Supreme Court is our main problem, and that this unelected group of "thugs" needs to be immediately disbanded. The only Patriots, still standing, and able to defend our Constitution, are the military. When this group of Patriots are finally lead by the "weak sisters" that Obama has been placing in charge, this Republic is just a footnote in history. I had "pushed" to have Paul E. Vallely  named the Republican candidate for President, but have not seen, or heard, one mention of his name by the media. The "window" of opportunity is nearly closed. I guess I will not be writing anymore about Paul E. Vallely. Maybe it is time for this great experiment in freedom to end. Isn't this how all the great cavitations ended? When the barbarians came with swords, they were met with words. Eloquent words, and more, and more, words. But in the end, words could not deflect cold steel.  Good bye, Republic.
Lord Howard Hurts   

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is There A Logical Reason Why Democrats Are Mentally Ill?

Life is just too complicated to have been an accident.  Existence, on earth is linear. Linear is defined as something connected by a straight line from a point A to a point B. A linear existence is one in which there is a beginning and an end. We know that human existence exists, so we also know that human existence will, at some point, not exist. So what we do in between is what we have control over. So, to extend the human experience, we must look around our world, and figure out how to extend the distance from point A to point B. This is where Free Will comes into play. We can be  smart or we can be stupid. We can interpret things correctly, or we can interpret things incorrectly. Now, for example, lets say that we have no knowledge of a hand saw. While walking in the forest one day, we find a piece of metal with what looks like "teeth" on it, and having a handle. We can see that the "teeth" were put on this piece of metal for a reason. That they are too complicated and organized to have been an accident. We can see that they in fact do some work when moved back and forward on an object like a piece of wood. We also can see that the handle makes it easier on our hands to move this piece of metal back and forth on a piece of wood. We can accept the saw and use it to cut wood, or we can hang it on a wall, and let others come view the interesting piece of metal we found. Free Will. We can also look at human teeth. We can see that they also are too complicated to have been an accident. We can see that some are for grinding and that some are for ripping and tearing. We know that teeth that rip and tear are not needed for eating fruits or vegetables. We also know that other earthly animals eat meat, and we can see that they have teeth designed to tear meat. Then it must be that human teeth were designed to eat fruits and vegetables and meat.  Thus making a vegetarian diet not the "designed diet". In fact, a vegetarian diet, over an extended period of time, can lead to mental illness by way of the missing nutrients found in red meat. Could this be the reason that many leftist are democrats, and true democrats exhibit mental illness? Just something to think about when traveling through life.
Lord Howard Hurts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Logic Says That Obama Posted A Fake Birth Certificate On The Internet

Isn't it telling that there is enough doubt and confusion about Obama's birth certificate to cause a rational person to wonder, yet the media never  asks Obama  to provide the proof, he has possession over, to make a final conclusion? You see, asking one about their birth certificate is actually a question that can only be answered  by heresy testimony, as nobody, even though present at that very time, remembers the day, or place, of their birth. And then again, why all the lawyers, for Obama, to see that this most asked for birth certificate is never produced in court? Now if the certificate he has produced for the media and posted on the internet is REAL, then why not just produce this document in court? MAYBE BECAUSE IT IS FAKE, AND TO DO SO WOULD SUBJECT OBAMA TO A CHARGE OF PERJURY OR WORSE. Wise up morons.
Lord Howard Hurts 

Reality: Something To Think About

Maybe, some can't see the forest for the swamp. We are trapped on this earth and everything recycles even if we don't like Green. Some amass a fortune of cash in their lifetime, by whatever means, and they still can't take it with them. When you know how the game of life will end, every time, regardless, then why play so hard? Ego. A Golden Era is a place you never were in time, or a place your mind wants to return to because very few want to discover America. This is why we still talk about Christopher Columbus. Life is a circle, a never ending circle. A point on this circle is no closer to the end than any other point on that circle. Whereas, a straight line has both a beginning and and ending. But the notion that drugs of any kind can change reality is folly. And men are men, and any attempt to "change the rules of Nature" by making men more like women is total folly.  Life is not easy. Maybe the reason everyone comes screaming and kicking into this world is because they were here before, and just don't want to play again. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can We Afford A "Candy Ass" or "Bible Thumper" As President?

Our great country is currently A Nation Of Sheep. Sissy boys, wearing earrings and tattoos, pretending that they "know all of life's realities" because they received a self serving degree from some college like Harvard. And I am not just speaking about democrats. I am speaking about the leaders of the republican party.  Now, granted, Karl Rove doesn't fit this pattern, but he is, sure enough, a "sissy boy". Then we have the Presidential "wantabees", Huckabee and Romney. And please don't misunderstand me, as "regular" citizens, I am sure that they are fine, but as leaders of this Republic, in these times of world unrest, I look at them, and see a misguided, socialist, Bible Thumper (Huckabee), and a Candy Ass (Romney). Yes, Candy Ass. Do you remember back in high school when Candy Ass was the "in word"? Well, Romney fits the definition to a Tee. It is his hair and his "bad boy", "puffed" macho man persona. Remember in the last Presidential elections, when he said that he was pro guns, and a hunter? Then the truth came out. He didn't know the difference between the stock and the barrel of a rifle. No, this is one election where we can't afford to elect another "pretty boy", groveling, PC, empty suit. And we don't need someone who, according to Harvard, or the press, has the biggest brain in the world. Done that, and it just didn't "pan out" as advertised. And anyway, if we wanted a President with the largest brain in the world, we would elect Flipper. No, this election is critical to the American Experiment. We need a leader grounded in the Christian religion, the religion of our founders. Huckabee might be a nice person, but he has no actual knowledge of the Bible. I dare say that he has not read this entire book, from cover to cover. He, like other Bible Thumpers, picks cute phrases from the text, and disregards the other 75% of this most inspired book. I have read the Bible from cover to cover, and I don't think that it would be something that the average American would want displayed on TV before the "adult viewing time" starts. Life is not always "Pretty".

One can debate the idea of a Creator forever, but in the end, one has to come to the logical conclusion that life on earth is just too complex to have been an accident. And if the Bible is the guide to all human existence, then we need to know more than the Disney interpretations given us by our esteemed, so called, religious leaders. We need to know and understand Free Will. Free Will is what places us above all other life forms on earth. We also need to know all the actions of the "Founders" of the Christian religion.  And to do so, we need someone, as our leader, who will restore sanity and responsibility to our "shattered" lives. We don't need a Candy Ass or a Bible Thumper. We need a person who understands life's realities, and our Constitution, and will lead from a "point" of strength rather than weakness. And this is my reason for proposing that the Republican Party chose Paul E. Vallely, a retired US Army Major General, as canidate for President in 2012. Don't know him? Do your own homework.
Lord Howard Hurts  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is Obama Qualified To Serve As President?

One April 8, 2011, I wrote the following:

The Mossad Holds The Key To The Obama Presidency (Feb. 20, 2011)

President Obama has repeatedly said Israeli settlements are "illegitimate" and has been less supportive of the Jewish state than most of his predecessors. It had been thought that Obama might vote against Israel on this UN settlements issue, but when the vote came, the United States used its veto to address the threat. It should be noted that this veto from the US was the only vote against  this  UN security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Germany, France, and Britain all voted for the resolution. So what may have been the reason for the Obama veto?  

President Obama had been showing his true socialist colors  before, and during the fall of the Mubarak government in Egypt. He has not "blessed" the attempted overturns in Libya, Bahrain, Iran, or Yemen. His dislike for Israel is both shown and known. There is every reason to believe that he is a Muslim, rather than the Christian he professes to be in both his campaigns, and in the press.  And if he is not a true Muslim, he has definite leanings in that direction, and it is a fact that he attended a Muslim school when a youth. The hidden reason that pressed him to use the veto on this current issue is that the Israeli Mossad, the Collections Department, responsible for intelligence-gathering operations abroad, holds the key to the Birth Certificate issue that is now gaining traction even in the media that has supported Obama from his earliest days in Chicago. Obama has used attorney's, and his powerful allies, to have courts in the US dismiss suits on his eligibility;  the theory of those bringing the suits being that he is not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Constitution. He has had every case dismissed under the legal theory that the plaintiff has "no standing" to bring such a suit against the President of the United States. Obama has also seen that Lt. Col. Lakin, a distinguished career military doctor, was found guilty for his asking that this President, Obama, prove that he is qualified to serve as President and Commander In Chief. For now the issue continues to only be forwarded by the WorldNetDaily, but polls have recently shown that a majority of citizens in the US have doubts as to where Obama was born.  The Mossad has the "smoking gun," and they have let Obama know it. But if they think that by withholding  this information, Obama, will help with the defense of Israel  in return for keeping him in power, they are so mistaken. Once the Calaphate is established, Obama, will have gained enough power in the US to either stop the Presidential elections, and assume dictatorial powers, or he will have been elected to his second illegal term as President. Either way Israel will be destroyed. It is best that the Mossad turn all its information over to WorldNetDaily, and let them continue to "push" for the immediate removal of Obama.

I have heard nothing more about this, and now put this information out for you, the reader, to investigate, and decide, if Obama is qualified  to serve this country as President.

Records place Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama's supposed mother) in Washington State in Aug 1961, so how could she be in Honolulu 2680 miles away birthing Barack the same month?

Obama Jr. has never produced records of his supposed parent’s marriage

Carol  Moseley Braun, worked for Judson Miner’s law firm, as did Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, wife of fellow Weatherman Bill Ayers. 

Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama's boss.  She is now Obama's chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first.  Where was Jarrett born? Shiraz, Iran.

Dr. Khalid al Mansour solicited favor and recommendation on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama in order to secure Barack's entry into Harvard.

Close associate of Obama,  Rashid Khalidi had ties to the radical phase of the PLO and Yasser Arafat. Khalidi got $75,000 through Obama and Ayers from the Woods Fund, and later Khalidi returned the favor by hosting a fundraiser for Obama. Obama praised Khalidi in 2003 when the former PLO functionary took a job at Columbia University, according to the LA Times. Khalidi is also the man who has hosted Ahmadinejad’s countless visits to the United States.

Put the pieces together and look at the picture. Isn't it time for the Republicans to run a candidate like Paul Vallely (US Army MG retired) instead of the "same old, same old" wimps they always drag out?
Lord Howard Hurts  

Children Served Alcoholic Drinks

What ever happened to all those runaway Toyota's? The ones that the harder one pushed the brake pedal the faster the car went.  Seemed like everyday there was another one that, like the Audi's of the 80's, had this mysterious problem. Then suddenly, just like the Audi's of old, the mysterious problem stopped. The Toyota's (cars) must have known that the US government and Congress was "on the case", and they decided that they would perform like normal cars again. Yawn, yawn. I have a premonition that these current incidents of children being served alcoholic drinks instead of "Shirley Temples" will suddenly stop the same as the runaway Toyota's.  Isn't it strange that after extensive investigation, there was no evidence that the Toyota's had any mechanical or computer problems? That the real cause of these "runaway" cars was driver error. Yawn, yawn. It might be better if the media "wised up", and didn't report these stories from the start. It is not like these restaurants are in a conspiracy to "alcohol poison" the youth of America. Maybe these media types would better serve this country if they investigated President Obama, rather than runaway cars, and children being given alcoholic drinks by accident, and found his lost, long form, birth certificate. 
Lord Howard Hurts  

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Ode" To This Nation of Sheep

Yawn, yawn, yawn. What are you personally prepared to do to turn this Nation of Sheep into a Nation of Men of Values and Courage? There is no doubt that Obama is a Marxist, and that he is leading this country toward socialism. There is very little doubt that if he is not removed before 2012, there will be no "going back", without a most disastrous and costly civil war. Think that these words are just "hysteria"? Only time will tell.

The office of President of the United States of America has restrictions placed on it by the Constitution. A short form birth certificate doesn't contain enough information to be of help should one think that there is reason for further investigation into the legitimacy of the holder of this office. And there is every reason to believe that Obama just might not be showing his true, short form,  birth certificate (he has refused to provide school records, passport records, student loan records, and list of law clients. His mother has a "timeline" just prior to, and after his birth, that just doesn't seem reasonable. He mentioned in his book that he had traveled to Pakistan during a time when American travel was restricted by that government. Friends of his mother were surprised when informed of the "wedding" to Obama Sr., and mentioned that they had never seen the couple together. Enquiring minds want to know the missing parts of this Presidents life. He is a public servant, and needs to provide the American citizens information about his life. If he feels that his former life is Private, then he needs to find another job. During his campaign he never stopped talking about the Transparency that would be the "pillar" of his administration.). So rather than treat Birthers as "white trash" trailer park morons, let this President speak for himself (something that I find, personally surprising, in view of his being on the TV almost every day talking endlessly about himself.), and provide the answers Enquiring minds want to know. Let the facts speak for themselves. It is time for Obama to show leadership, or be immediately removed from office.
Lord Howard Hurts  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ann Coulter Is A "Genius". NOT

This posting is in reference to the Ann Coulter interview on Hannity, Fox News, Monday night. Coulter, in that interview, gave the impression that Birthers and Child Molesters are one and the same.

The office of President of the United States of America has restrictions placed on it by the Constitution. A short form birth certificate doesn't contain enough information to be of help should one think that there is reason for further investigation into the legitimacy of the holder of this office. And there is every reason to believe that Obama just might not be showing his true, short form,  birth certificate (he has refused to provide school records, passport records, student loan records, and list of law clients. His mother has a "timeline" just prior to, and after his birth, that just doesn't seem reasonable. He mentioned in his book that he had traveled to Pakistan during a time when American travel was restricted by that government. Friends of his mother were surprised when informed of the "wedding" to Obama Sr., and mentioned that they had never seen the couple together. Enquiring minds want to know the missing parts of this Presidents life. He is a public servant, and needs to provide the American citizens information about his life. If he feels that his former life is Private, then he needs to find another job. During his campaign he never stopped talking about the Transparency that would be the "pillar" of his administration.). So rather than treat Birthers as "white trash" trailer park morons, let this President speak for himself (something that I find, personally surprising, in view of his being on the TV almost every day talking endlessly about himself.), and provide the answers Enquiring minds want to know. Let the facts speak for themselves. It is time for Obama to show leadership.
Lord Howard Hurts 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Is A "Genius"

“We’re going to put this to bed tonight. He does have a legitimate birth certificate. The state of Hawaii says they have it. And we have no reason not to believe that.” Bill O'Reilly  is such a genius. He makes a statement like this, based on pure hearsay evidence, and expects logical people to be impressed?  No, Bill, Obama needs to step up and present the evidence asked for by concerned American citizens. There is enough "confused" information to make any rational citizen wonder about the validity of Obama's birth. And just why did Obama, and his wife,  voluntarily "give up" their law licenses? 

Here is an article I wrote and posted on April 8, 2011,

The Mossad Holds The Key To The Obama Presidency: Feb. 20, 2011

President Obama has repeatedly said Israeli settlements are "illegitimate" and has been less supportive of the Jewish state than most of his predecessors. It had been thought that Obam might vote against Israel on this UN settlements issue, but when the vote came, the United States used its veto to address the threat. It should be noted that this veto from the US was the only vote against  this  UN security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Germany, France, and Britain all voted for the resolution. So what may have been the reason for the Obama veto?  

President Obama had been showing his true socialist colors  before, and during the fall of the Mubarak government in Egypt. He has not "blessed" the attempted overturns in Libya, Bahrain, Iran, or Yemen. His dislike for Israel is both shown and known. There is every reason to believe that he is a Muslim, rather than the Christian he professes to be in both his campaigns, and in the press.  And if he is not a true Muslim, he has definite leanings in that direction, and it is a fact that he attended a Muslim school when a youth. The hidden reason that pressed him to use the veto on this current issue is that the Israeli Mossad, the Collections Department, responsible for intelligence-gathering operations abroad, holds the key to the Birth Certificate issue that is now gaining traction even in the media that has supported Obama from his earliest days in Chicago. Obama has used attorney's, and his powerful allies, to have courts in the US dismiss suits on his eligibility;  the theory of those bringing the suits being that he is not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Constitution. He has had every case dismissed under the legal theory that the plaintiff has "no standing" to bring such a suit against the President of the United States. Obama has also seen that Lt. Col. Lakin, a distinguished career military doctor, was found guilty for his asking that this President, Obama, prove that he is qualified to serve as President and Commander In Chief. For now the issue continues to only be forwarded by the WorldNetDaily, but polls have recently shown that a majority of citizens in the US have doubts as to where Obama was born.  The Mossad has the "smoking gun," and they have let Obama know it. But if they think that by withholding  this information, Obama, will help with the defense of Israel  in return for keeping him in power, they are so mistaken. Once the Calaphate is established, Obama, will have gained enough power in the US to either stop the Presidential elections, and assume dictatorial powers, or he will have been elected to his second illegal term as President. Either way Israel will be destroyed. It is best that the Mossad turn all its information over to WorldNetDaily, and let them continue to "push" for the immediate removal of Obama.

Footnote: "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President," a new book by Jerome Corsi, is expected to be ready for delivery sometime in early May, of this year, and just maybe, it will contain information provided by the Mossad. Who knows? But one thing I am sure of; it will not contain hearsay information, on the Obama birth certificate, provided by Bill O'Reilly. 

Lord Howard Hurts

Obama Needs To Go Now!

At this point in the discussion, it doesn't matter if  BH Obama has an American birth certificate or not. He is a devout Marxist, and that fact is not only evident, but provable. Do not mistake in thinking that he is totally responsible for the socialist direction we are now headed. The weak republican Presidents from Nixon to GW. Bush, did nothing to deter the course of this "fall from greatness." Corruption, such as that which fell the Roman Empire, is likewise our primary failing. We have become a most decadent society.  Easy credit, gambling (state  lotteries), unions, 15 minutes of fame, drugs (both legal and illegal), and the mistaken notion that  "if it feels good, do it", have completely done away with the concept of Moral Responsibility. It is my opinion, that unless Obama is removed from office, NOW, this country will not survive as a Republic.  We currently have a Supreme Court that is composed of persons who have no intention "to do their sworn duty" to defend the Constitution.  So the handwriting is "on the wall".  The end is near. The only way that this great nation can survive is to have some strong, non political, military man come to the front, and take charge. I say military man, because these Marxists thugs will not go quietly. They will "attack" and disrupt all attempts to regain the Freedoms we have lost over the past 40 years.  We need a strong leader who knows the Constitution, and who will have no problem dealing with any, and all, disruptors in a "military fashion"(this nation was conceived and founded on Christian morals and ethics). It is most unfortunate that this type of action is needed, but just look at the amount of money needed to run a campaign for President in 2012 (one billion dollars), and you see that Corruption is our enemy. Read the Constitution.  Accept it and follow it, or pack your bags and move to the country that has the government you like. "Traitors will be shot". 
Lord Howard Hurts   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Simple Thought For Israel

When one does the  same thing over and over again, and expects a different result; This is the classic definition of  insanity. Israel must understand that strength comes from strength. To think otherwise is defeat. I ask the leaders of Israel to give this simple "thought" much consideration; When fighting "wild dogs" , you can't stop the attacks by killing them, as "wild dogs" breed at a very fast rate. One must kill the masters of these "dogs", because the masters "feed" the dogs, and without food, "wild dogs" can not survive. "Wild dogs" don't have a superior brain, but their masters do. Take the charge directly to the masters, because with their superior brain, they will understand the consequences. 
Lord Howard Hurts   

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Mossad Holds The Key To The Obama Presidency: Feb. 20, 2011

President Obama has repeatedly said Israeli settlements are "illegitimate" and has been less supportive of the Jewish state than most of his predecessors. It had been thought that Obama might vote against Israel on this UN settlements issue, but when the vote came, the United States used its veto to address the threat. It should be noted that this veto from the US was the only vote against  this  UN security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Germany, France, and Britain all voted for the resolution. So what may have been the reason for the Obama veto?  

President Obama had been showing his true socialist colors  before, and during the fall of the Mubarak government in Egypt. He has not "blessed" the attempted overturns in Libya, Bahrain, Iran, or Yemen. His dislike for Israel is both shown and known. There is every reason to believe that he is a Muslim, rather than the Christian he professes to be in both his campaigns, and in the press.  And if he is not a true Muslim, he has definite leanings in that direction, and it is a fact that he attended a Muslim school when a youth. The hidden reason that pressed him to use the veto on this current issue is that the Israeli Mossad, the Collections Department, responsible for intelligence-gathering operations abroad, holds the key to the Birth Certificate issue that is now gaining traction even in the media that has supported Obama from his earliest days in Chicago. Obama has used attorney's, and his powerful allies, to have courts in the US dismiss suits on his eligibility;  the theory of those bringing the suits being that he is not a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Constitution. He has had every case dismissed under the legal theory that the plaintiff has "no standing" to bring such a suit against the President of the United States. Obama has also seen that Lt. Col. Lakin, a distinguished career military doctor, was found guilty for his asking that this President, Obama, prove that he is qualified to serve as President and Commander In Chief. For now the issue continues to only be forwarded by the WorldNetDaily, but polls have recently shown that a majority of citizens in the US have doubts as to where Obama was born.  The Mossad has the "smoking gun," and they have let Obama know it. But if they think that by withholding  this information, Obama, will help with the defense of Israel  in return for keeping him in power, they are so mistaken. Once the Calaphate is established, Obama, will have gained enough power in the US to either stop the Presidential elections, and assume dictatorial powers, or he will have been elected to his second illegal term as President. Either way Israel will be destroyed. It is best that the Mossad turn all its information over to WorldNetDaily, and let them continue to "push" for the immediate removal of Obama.
Lord Howard Hurts  

Donald Trump Has A Brain

Donald Trump just might be the only person contemplating a 2012 Presidential campaign with a brain.  If Obama had a  birth certificate, that he wanted anyone to view, he would have shown it, rather than that false one he authorized to be placed on the web. 

Fact Check, Updated: November 1, 2008
In the article,  the  truth about Obama's birth certificate, Fact Check had pictures of a representative  holding Obama's original birth certificate. This article went on to conclude that anyone who thinks that Obama was not born in Hawaii, in 1961, is a certified crazy person.  Controversy over........but wait. One January 21, 2011,  this article appeared:

 Pressure was mounting on Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie today amid increasing confusion over whether President Obama was born there.

Abercrombie said on Tuesday that an investigation had unearthed papers proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.

He told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser: 'It actually exists in the archives, written down,' he said.

But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.

And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health. UK Daily Mail

Now, is an unspecified listing, or notation of birth, the same thing as  a Certified, Long -Form, Birth Certificate?  And when the current governor of Hawaii says, "a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records  maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health (UK Daily Mail)", how is it that Fact Check had an original of Barack Obama's birth certificate, and called all doubters "crazy people"?

Here is an article I wrote about this subject. Read it and Think.

Obama's Is A Natural Born Citizen

Here is the REAL deal on Obama's birth  certificate. Unfortunately, most everyone is going off on the wrong "trail". Obama is really a Natural Born citizen of this country. This is the reason that he "toys" with the "Birthers", and men of courage like Lt. Col. Lakin. Obama knows that should push came to shove, and the cowards in the media are not going to do it, he could prove that he is a Natural Born citizen. All the different published facts confuse the issue because some of the facts found are true, and some are false. But the real fact of the matter is that Obama is the son of his "grandfather", Stanley Armour Dunham, and his mother is, as yet, some unnamed black woman. Yes, I repeat, Obama is the son of his "grandfather", Stanley Armour Dunham. If you should doubt this check, and you will find that in May of 1997, all the records contained in a file, gathered and recorded by the FBI, detailing an investigation of Stanley Armour Dunham, were deleted.  Dunham, it noted, was a frequent "customer" of black prostitutes. Now the issue of the "marriage" of Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, which there is no proof, other than what Obama wrote about it in his book, is understood as only a "ruse" to avoid the moral fallout of that time period. So the issue of Obama being a Natural Born citizen is final, regardless if he was, or was not, born in Hawaii. Additional proof that this scenario is true can be logically substantiated by the very fact that Obama has spent many thousands of dollars to send lawyers to courts to stop from having to provide a legal long form birth certificate from Hawaii. Why would this President worry about letting his detractors see his legal birth certificate? Is he afraid that someone will assume his identity? Nonsense. Many of these law suits also ask for all his school records, all his passport information, all his adoption records, and records for all school loans he has ever received. The office of President is a job based on trust and honesty, and by not providing basic background information, information that is provided by thousands and thousands of potential employees seeking regular jobs every day, this is proof positive that there is something very negative being hidden by Obama. But alas.....This Birth Certificate issue is just a Red Herring. Stop wasting time, effort, and money on it. This President is a socialist and there is enough evidence to prove it. He is a fraud in most every way. Obama is in the process of turning this country into a democracy, and it is such a shame that the educational system of this country has been, and continues to be, so corrupt and negligent that it has not taught our youth the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. The ballot boxes will be the "guns" of this revolution unless patriotic citizens empower the military, of this nation, to do their duty to uphold this Constitution. The window of opportunity is open, but unless action is taken before the elections of 2012, this window will in all probability be closed for all history. FREEDOM is not free. It can only be held by blood, sweat, and tears by an admiring public. Long Live America and This Republic.
Lord Howard Hurts

Monday, April 4, 2011


A Florida pastor, Terry Jones,  two weeks ago, burned a copy of The Koran.  Some defenders of the Koran, in Afghanistan,  apparently took offence, and rioted and killed  seven UN workers.  Now let me understand this. Some pastor in the US, for whatever reason, burns a copy of The Koran, and this gives rioters in Afghanistan, the right to kill 7 UN workers (workers who are in Afghanistan to help to feed and stabilize the country at the request of the President of Afghanistan)?  Then after this illogical response by the Afghan mob,  we have the following responses from both  democrat, and republican,  Congressmen, and our President, Obama,. The following is according to an article in The Washington Times, April 3, 2011, by David Eldridge.  

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was asked by host Bob Schieffer on CBS‘ “Face the Nation” whether he would “introduce a resolution to condemn” the burning of the Muslim holy book, as requested by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The Nevada Democrat replied, “Well, we'll take a look at this,"

Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, made an analogy to wartime free-speech limits and said, “I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war.”  
“During World War II, we had limits on what you could do if it inspired the enemy,” he said.

Rep. Mike Rogers, Michigan Republican and chairman of the House Intelligence, once Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that keeping U.S. troops safe is the responsibility of every American

On Saturday, Mr. Obama called the burning “an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry” 

Where is the logic to these statements? It is apparent that this President, and these Congressmen have no understanding of the Constitution of this Nation,  or that the loyal citizens of this country  have finally decided that Afghanistan is not worth one more American life, or one more American tax dollar. It is time to remove ourselves from Afghanistan, and let the Afghans handle their own political and social problems. Stop the INSANITY NOW.
Lord Howard Hurts   

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Natural Gas Works....Ethanol Is A Brobdingnagian Dream

There is no doubt  that we are in a "fuel" crisis. The assumption that we can substitute ethanol (grain alcohol) for petroleum based fuel (gas and diesel) is absurd. The cost of production of ethanol is more than the output in BTU's, proving once again that perpetual motion is a  Brobdingnagian Dream. The theory for ethanol is all warm and fuzzy, and so... Harvard, but it is just another elitist dream that overlooks reality.  The BTU's (heat energy) from ethanol is half that of regular gas, meaning that to accomplish the same work in a combustion engine (the ones that drive our cars) you need double the gallons to do the same work. So for a vehicle to travel the same distance as one using gas, you need a tank that holds 40 gallons of fuel instead of 20. Somehow the government has forgotten to mention this fact, and it will be a real surprise, if and when,  we turn to 100% ethanol instead of gas or diesel fuels. Of course, this is why the government currently demands that we use only 10 or 15% ethanol in each gallon of our gas. They realize that 100% ethanol is not only too pricey, but there is no way to produce this much ethanol even if we turned all the farmland in the US into the production of ethanol,  and forgot about growing food. And another minus in this "grown fuel" is that in order to convert a "food source" into ethanol, the "food source" must contain sugar. The best source of this needed sugar would be found in Sugar Cane. Sugar Cane works for Brazil (where they use a lot of ethanol to fuel their vehicles) because they seldom have a day with a temperature below 80 degrees.  And yes,  Sugar Cane grows in limited areas of the US, the south, but there is just not enough land that can be cultivated to meet the demand, and if you will do your own research, you will find that Sugar Cane is not something that is grown without huge environmental problems. So why is the government pushing ethanol as a substitute fuel? Ignorance and Corruption.  Now, all this said, is there some other pollution free (relative) that makes sense? YES. Natural Gas (the US currently has, it is said,   200,000 Trillion cubic feet – close to 9,000 years of supply at current U.S. consumption levels.).

T. Boone Pickens has a plan that makes sense, his idea to "gear up" and provide Natural Gas for big trucks is both logical and cost effective. and holds the prospect of getting the smell and danger of diesel fuel off the road, and out of the air we breath.  Why is his plan not in effect today? Because the Corruption in Washington is still working with ethanol. I guess there is no current method to insert corruption into the use and production of Natural Gas, so our moron Congressmen just don't want to "play".  Again, proving that Obama, and this Congress, needs to be REMOVED NOW. It is time the citizens of this country stop being a Nation of Sheep. It is time that we stop looking to self serving institutions of higher education for both Answers and Leadership. They are Corrupt. It is time for the average citizen to stop Bleating, and take charge of this Republic. The Corruption needs to stop, and this country needs to follow the Constitution given us by our Founders.  Obama is leading us to socialism, and if he is not stopped NOW, there will be a  Coronation in 2012, rather than an election.
Lord Howard Hurts