Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paul E. Vallely, MG US Army (retired) For President

What I like most about you, Paul E. Vallely: Rational understanding, and solutions not driven by ego. This is why we need to rid ourselves of the liberal, University "trained", ego driven, politicians that continue to run for office, year after year after year, and so on to infinity. These morons take from the earner, and give to those that exhibit, and promote bad behavior. Thus creating a more dependant society, that has no understanding of innate moral responsibility, and at the same time, this ego driven leadership stifles both freedom and creativity. Freedom comes, only, from personal responsibility. You can't give orders until you have proven that you can take orders, and "divine" leadership is pure bunk. This is why Obama has to go NOW, rather than later. He is successfully increasing the dependant class at an alarming rate. In just a few months hence, even rational thinking citizens will find themselves in a financial ruin that will force them to choose proven irrational solutions over proven rational solutions. Suddenly, Up will look like Down, and Down will look like Up. Decisions will be made based on survival rather than logic. The lemmings will be lead over the cliff. And once that "march" starts what are the chances that it will be stopped?
Lord Howard Hurts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse", Or IS IT?

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse", is an ancient legal concept that makes it clear, that this easy excuse, for the defendant of any crime, civil or criminal,  will not gain exemption from that supposed unknown (by the defendant) law. You can imagine how difficult it would be to hold anyone responsible for any violation of law should this doctrine not exist, but  on the other hand, how is it possible for anyone to know all the laws contained in all the law books of this country? During court cases lawyers not only quote statutes and laws, but must provide the judge, in the case, physical evidence to prove what they are describing. It would seem that the judges, having to see physical documentation of stated statutes and laws,  as presented to them by the University learned lawyers, would themselves, be guilty of using the doctrine of "ignorance of the law is no excuse", to enlighten themselves in the disposition of the disputes. And the problem with strict adherence to this ancient concept is that in the absence of any type, or form, of alternative logic, a more destructive force comes into play; The Destructive Force of  Corruption through Selective Enforcement. And this destructive force, Corruption, is what is crippling this country today. It is through the ability of government to pick and choose what cases to prosecute,  or not prosecute, that is making our legal system most unfair. This unfair policy rewards those who finance our corrupt politicians, who place their personal re-elections above their sworn duty to Uphold and Defend the Constitution of this Republic, to the detriment our our system of equal justice for all. And as more, and more, laws are placed on the "books," without some type of logical neutralization to this ancient legal concept, Corruption will continue to be the "disease" that slowly kills this nation. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama and Pot Pol, Striking Similarities

I have been getting a lot of "heat" for my repeated concern that if Obama is not removed from office before the elections of 2012,  it will be the end of this great Republic, and the noble experiment of Freedom, rule by law instead of men, and Free Enterprise, called America. Most Americans are too worried about the financial crisis we are confounded by to take the time to understand that all this crisis is nothing more than government corruption, and that the solution for a recovery can not be left in the hands of those who created the crisis in the first place. The Republicans, who in fact, and actual practice, don't display a dimes worth of difference over the theories and policy's of the Democrats, continue to tell this Nation of Sheep that the elections of 2012 will provide our salvation. I contend that this is a wrong assumption based on the fact that we have, in Obama, the most secretive person ever elected to the Presidency. What we know about him is derived entirely from what he, himself, publishes and voices. There is no checking his word. Take this Birth Certificate situation. He has never showed his birth certificate, yet he has his lapdog media publish and voice that he has twice made his birth certificate public. If it is a fact that he has shown his true birth certificate, then he needs to swear, under oath, and penalty of perjury, and imprisonment, that what is posted is in fact his true birth certificate from Hawaii. He has not, and will not do this, based on the simple fact that what he has posted is a fake birth certificate. I will not go into the details of why it is fake, I will only prove it is fake by the fact that Obama has not, and will not make a sworn statement that it is a true copy of his certificate as found in the records of Hawaii. Then, as his birth certificate is in the public display, there would be no reason to stop anyone who desires to go to Hawaii, and investigate the records, and be assured that this posted certificate is true. Notice the fact that this is not an option, Hawaii forbids this action, and Obama doesn't give his permission. The only recourse, for "Birthers,"  is to be publicly ridiculed and slandered for not accepting Obama's word.  Sheep maybe don't understand, but I take this as "Prima Facie" evidence that Obama has lied, and has had presented a fake birth certificate. 

Now to get to the danger of Obama not being removed from office prior to the elections of 2012. To make this posting easy to understand, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s   and hear President Obama, in his own words talk about his idea for a Civilian Security Force. Do your own homework and thinking on this subject. To me this proves conclusively that Obama is a Socialist, and he has an agenda that is against the Constitution he had sworn to follow and protect. Now, to understand the implications of his words, do your homework and go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKVx2exYazQ&feature=related Pol Pot 1975, part 1, and  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Lo1uZ5EZg&feature=relmfu  Pol Pot part 2. I give you these examples because they are fairly current and if you listen to them carefully, you will see that Obama has many things in common with Pol Pot (secrecy of personal history, prime example). So you can either, study history, and study the actual words of Obama, or continue to live in a Nation of Sheep. The  future is coming and it is not going to be what you expect  unless you take action now. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ghost Cities In China

Recently, I have received some very disturbing emails from people who say that they know of a plan by China, to not only change the world as we know it today, but to completely accomplish what Alexander The Great was unable to accomplish in his time period. It is a most unnerving account, and frankly, I have no idea if what I have been sent is real, or some type of sick humor. But when one looks into the history of China, and takes the time needed to get acquainted with the mentality of the Chinese people, this story not only seem reasonable; it seems inevitable. Without going into great detail, I will give the reader, a "snapshot" of what I have personally learned, and what I have been told. I am doing further study on this, and hope that in the near future I can post a more definitive study on the Hopes and Dreams of China. 

Throughout it's long history, China has been ruled by many strong leaders. The people of China have a large "gene pool", but with few outside influences, thus  China is a society of few variations in genetic options. The "will" of China is focused in the mass of its population like no other country in the world. This accounts for the precise meaning of their spoken words, and because their words are so precise, the meaning of what is expressed is clear, thus avoiding disputes as to what is "really" meant.  And for this reason, Chinese will be the language of the world in the not too distant future. For many years now, China has had a policy of only one child per family. This policy was implemented in an attempt to stem the population explosion that had cause both labor and food problems in a modern China. The outcome of that policy is that it has a birth ratio of 120 boys for every 100 girls...and it is projected that by 2030, 25% of Chinese men in their late 30's will never have a "mate". This lopsided birth ratio will be more pronounced in the rural areas, and among the less educated, and the poor, making  these men more susceptible to joining the military; a military that has its "eyes" on world expansion.  Now here comes the problem. Are you aware of the Ghost Cities of China? I must admit that I had a very difficult time believing that there are actual, new built, modern cities all over China that lack a population.... Ghost Cities. If you will follow this link, you will see just what I am talking about;  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPILhiTJv7E  Now my source says that the reason for these Ghost Cities is that in the very near future, China will invade Australia, and take as its reward,  Australian women to supplement and infuse the future population of China. And in the process, it will use Australia as a "colony" from which it can utilize the large amount of raw materials found on the Continent, and export its (China) "crushing" population, so as to lessen the density of the homeland, and at the same time increase the "gene pool" by millions of diverse "new genes" so as to better the entire population of China for the next 100 years. As I mentioned at the start, this report is most troubling, but at the same time it can't just be "blown off".  The Chinese have always been a very aggressive and intelligent race. When you see all the commotions in the world today, there is only one super power that is not involved, and that super power is China. Is it possible that they are not involved because they need the "Divide and Conquer" strategy to see that none of the other super powers are prepared to help Australia with its defense?
Lord Howard Hurts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is Obama Suffering From a Drug "Flashback"?

I wrote yesterday that President Obama just maybe looking in the wrong country for his "roots; that he should looking in Rome rather than Moneygall; that he should be present in the United States of America, the country he was elected to represent; and giving support to those displaced by the floods along the Mississippi river; and to the victims of the Texas floods; and to the thousands of citizens of Joplin, Missouri, suffering from the near complete destruction of their town, instead of vacationing in Europe. But alas, I am wrong again, and I must be some "far right racist" with "an ax to grind". Because today, at Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book, and here is what he wrote:  It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.
Barack Obama
24 May 2008

OK, Now, I understand why he is not paying attention to the natural destruction here in the states; He is in a time warp. To him it is still 2008, and the storms of  2011 are in the future.  I don't see a problem here, and I am sure the "lapdog" media doesn't either. So read the following Obama quotes, and you decide if President Obama should ever leave town without his teleprompter.

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes...and I see many of them in the audience here today...our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." 

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008

Now clue me if I am out of line here, but maybe, just maybe, the drugs Obama took when a youth, as mentioned in his autobiography, are now causing him problems with reality. Is this really the person we want in control of this nation during these times of domestic crisis?
Lord Howard Hurts  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama Searches For His Roots, While Joplin Attempts To Recover

Today, May 23, 2011, finds the papers "plastered" with the destruction of another city in Missouri, and the deaths of at least eighty nine persons in Joplin. The weather forecast says that there are massive floods imminent, in a few days, for Montana and Idaho, and where is our President? He's in Ireland, looking for his "roots". I understand that in order to be re-elected in 2012, he will have to pander to the "lighter side" of the electorate, and pretend that he is not "all black", but frankly, I think he just might be looking in the wrong country. Maybe he should be looking for his roots in Italy, Rome to be more precise. He seems, to me, to have quite an historical parallel with Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.  Now, can Obama play the fiddle?

It seems that the Republicans believe that President Obama can easily be beaten in the coming elections of 2011. I do not believe that this will be possible unless Obama is removed from office prior to these elections, as his, Marxist/Socialist,  administration will by that time have just too many people dependant on the Federal Government for their very existence. There are already 43 million, plus, people in the US on "food stamps". Couple this with the fact that only about 60% of those eligible, to receive this assistance, are presently signed up, and collecting the said benefits, making it possible that there are some 70 million eligible persons in total, from a population of some 300 million persons, who are living below the poverty level in The United States of America.  Knowing this fact, do you wonder how Obama can write off billions in loans to Egypt and other countries when so many Americans are apparently living like citizens of a third world country? I contend that being a loyal Democrat is a form of mental illness, and unless the Republicans find candidates other than the current, "weak sisters", and recycled RINO's, it will make little difference which party leads this nation. The only benefit of a Republican win would be that there will be more time, to maybe find a solution to our financial and moral disasters, before the complete collapse of our Free Enterprise system, and our Constitution.  President Obama is a fraud, and only the work by Jerome Corsi, "Where Is The Birth Certificate", is keeping the hope for Impeachment alive. But it seems the Republicans, who rant and rave about defending the Constitution, are just too timid, and afraid of being called a racist by these Marxist "gangsters", to logically investigate the facts, and demand that Obama, now that he has released his long form birth certificate to the world,  let anyone that wants to, access his Hawaiian files to compare the birth certificate he has on record in that state,  with the one he authorized to be placed on the Internet. I have a strong feeling that he will never let this happen, and he, and his "thugs" in the popular media, will continue to ridicule anyone who refuses to take Obama at his word.  Marxist don't use investigation, and logic, to ascertain the truth of an issue. They harass, distort the facts, refuse to provide asked for information, "stonewall",  bully, and intimidate. If Obama was telling the truth about his birth certificate, he would let anyone that wanted; to examine his records in Hawaii; and he would laugh should the facts make the investigators to be morons. He doesn't do this for one reason, and one reason only; His posted birth certificate is a fraud; Impeach President Obama, Now!, or this great experiment, in Freedom, and Rule by Law, called America, will be just a minor footnote somewhere in the history of the world.
Lord Howard Hurts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Code of Life

Here is the deal. Nobody lives forever regardless of what they eat, or what vitamins, or herbs they take. People with clogged arteries die from heart problems, and people who have no clogged arteries die from heart problems. This is positively unexplainable, and this is a fact that can be verified by doctors who do autopsies. Here is the code of life: 33% based on heredity; 33% based on how you take care of yourself; and 33% based on just the plain "Unknown". This is why there are so many different ideas surrounding, and defining, "good health". I believe that the "mental aspect," of what you perceive as personal good health, is more important than is now acknowledged. But will "modern" medicine pursue this line of thought? Probably not, and this is understandable, because how can money be made off of someone using their own power of positive thinking to help them self to better health? Money makes the "world go around". So using this code, you can see that a person who has a genetic health problem, but still takes care of himself and has a positive outlook on continuing life, stands a 66% chance to "win" a better and longer life.
Lord Howard Hurts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Gordian Knot" Solution To Obama Being Qualified To Be President

We are a Nation of Sheep.  It seems America might just have it's own, " Mystery of the lost Dauphin."  Jerome Corsi's book,  "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is very relevant, and should be a "must read" for every concerned citizen in this country. It is relevant because we are a nation ruled by laws and not men. We have a Constitution that controls how this country is ruled, and it was designed to preclude men of popularity, or men with another alliance, from subverting this rule of law to a country run by selective enforcement, or popular vote. We live in a Democratic Republic, not a Democracy, like so many misinformed citizens either think, or have been taught. To find an example in history of this difference, one only has to look to The French Revolution to understand the short fallings of a country run by a pure Democracy (rule of the mob).  In this book, Mr. Corsi makes the case that President Obama is not qualified to serve as President, based on Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution.  There is page after page of documents that make the case that President Obama has not told the truth about his birth certificate, or his family history. The "lapdogs" in the media have take up the "call" to attack Mr. Corsi, and the so called "Birthers". These rabid media "ass kissers", don't care an ounce about the truth, or that this issue of eligibility is a serious Constitutional issue. They are worried that Americas first, half black, half white, President, who wraps himself in the image of  a true African-American (black), will be proved to be a complete fraud.

When dealing with things that are controversial, one needs to employ Pure Logic so as to get to the truth of the issue. The issue here is that President Obama has had presented 2 birth certificates that he, Obama, purports to be True Copies of his Hawaiian certificate. Now, using logic, and because this is a nation ruled by law, rather than men, I propose this "Gordian Knot" solution to this entire dispute. Let President Obama,  as he was a lawyer  (it has also been reported that he is a Constitutional Scholar) and knows the importance of Swearing Under Oath to provide evidence of truth, stand before the citizens of this country, and personally swear that the birth certificate published by him is, in fact, his actual, Hawaiian, birth certificate. That in the interest of bringing the citizens of this country together, and to provide proof that he is the President of all the people, and not just those that adore him, that he will provide all his school records and papers, all his passport information, all his college loan information, all his selective service records, all his Harvard papers, and that he will let all concerned citizens have access to his birth records in Hawaii (of course there would be a charge for anyone wanting to see them as it might present a burden on the state of Hawaii) so that anyone, who disputes his word, can conclude for themselves that he is being both Truthful and Transparent. Bet it never happens.
Lord Howard Hurts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We Have To Get Out Of Wonderland, Now!

As I sat the other morning, eating a bagel, in Panera Bread, off of Us 41, in Sarasota, two guys came in, and I assumed by their dress that they were there to accept an award for their part in killing bin Laden. One was dressed in a formal coat with a top hat, and he said, " Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.” The other guy, a large white rabbit, said, "I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date." And after thanking them for their service, I began to read media accounts of this most important encounter and killing. The "slobbering's" of the media about President Obama being both a genius and a saint gave rise to my brain again "getting on The Crazy Train". As I read more, my mental illness manifested into a dreaded conspiracy theory. I began to think, and suddenly the only thought I had was a quote I remembered from grade school; "It would be so nice if something made sense for a change." (Alice, from Alice in Wonderland). 

The mentioned "million dollar mansion" brought a mental vision that was immediately erased by the actual photo of this bin Laden "hideout". I suddenly could not even imagine how these three words could be used in a serious sentence to describe this rundown stack of crude cement blocks. Then there was the photos of the inside of the "compound". Was this a joke? Was this the photo of the inside of some trailer in Kentucky? Is this the furnishings found in a "million dollar mansion"?And how was it possible for 2, slow moving, helicopters to land inside of this compound, just yards away from a military instillation, without encountering some type of assault? The pictures of the surrounding landscape show a town more in tune to donkey transportation, and surly the noise of assaulting helicopters would wake someone up. Then there was the  45 minute gun fight that turned into a 23 minute gun fight, that turned into no gun fight, and no resistance from the occupants of the compound. Then there was the wife, who threw herself in front of the weapons pointed at bin Laden, and was killed, only to return, like someone in "Candide", by Voltaire. Then bodyguards with weapons, no bodyguards, and no weapons anywhere in the compound. Then the official statement that bin Laden was reaching for a rifle as he was shot. Then it was a rifle and a pistol. Then he had no weapons. Then the pathetic photo of bin Laden, sitting in his underwear, in a Snuggy, watching an old TV purchased from a clearance sale at Motel 6. Where did this photo originate? It was also said that he was so vain, that he dyed his beard, from it's natural gray, so as to look younger. I must assume that this photo was taken by the Seals during the assault, for why would bin Laden have let someone taken a photo of him in this condition? Now correct me if I am wrong, but I remember hearing, in the beginning, that when the Seals encountered bin Laden, he said,"I am not him!" And then he was shot. This would have been something that not many moral and rational humans could have done, regardless of their orders. This was apparently followed by an extremely quick DNA check, something that usually takes days to perform, to make certain that this pathetic creature was in fact bin Laden. Followed, just as quickly, with a Muslim burial at sea. And last, but not least, the official photo of President Obama, and Queen Hillary, watching the entire operation in real time on a big screen. What? Fake? It was a fake photo? Well who cares? Everything in Wonderland is mixed up. What is up is sometimes down, and what is east is sometimes west, but the truth is always the truth, unless it is not the truth. "If you set to work to believe everything, you will tire out the believing-muscles of your mind, and then you'll be so weak you won't be able to believe the simplest true things." Lewis Carroll. 

It is time to remove Obama from office before the elections of 2012. He is not qualified by the dictates of the Constitution to be President, regardless of what the media stooges write. Obama has not produced a birth certificate, and that is a fact. Show me where, he, Obama, has presented his birth certificate to any member of the media, and said, "I swear, under penalty of imprisonment, that this birth certificate is the one found in the records of Hawaii, and I give anyone citizen of this country the right to pursue this issue further should they deem it necessary." If he really wanted to end the birth certificate issue, this is what he would do, but he will not do this because there is something he wants to hide, and that can only be that he is not qualified by the Constitution to serve. Stop being a Nation of Sheep and Think Logically. 
Lord Howard Hurts 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Limbaugh Might Be Right

My Recurring Obama 'Dream'

By David Limbaugh | May 16, 2011;  "Can you imagine how insufferable President Obama would be about his record in office if he actually had abundant positive accomplishments? Have we ever seen a starker contrast between a politician's record and his self-assessment of it?"

I think that Limbaugh has hit upon the reason for all the "conspiracy theory's" surrounding Obama (his birth certificate, his books, his failure to provide his school records and passport information, his real estate deal with Rezko, and now his sudden bin Laden, ever changing facts, kill.), before and after being elected President. Not only do the facts change every day; sometimes every hour; the facts never lead to a clear picture as described by either Obama or his friends in the media. It has been my personal observation from 66 years of living on this planet, that if something doesn't make logical sense, it probably is  a "fairy tale".  Take one issue. That of Obama's birth certificate. He is questioned and makes available, on the Internet, a copy of a short form certificate. It doesn't contain enough information to prove where he actually was born. He "stonewalls" for over 2 years, and after the media declares that he is so smart not to provide his long form, as it encourages his followers to provide him both re-election money and support, and the fact that "Birthers" will never believe it anyway, he again uses the Internet to make his long form certificate publicly available; All the while "laughing" at the stupid "Birthers", and Donald Trump. Well, this new certificate may well be his true birth certificate, but why has nobody noticed that he, himself, Mr. President, has not personally shown, and sworn, under oath, that this is an actual copy of his birth certificate? That he, again, uses his "willing stooges" in the media to slander and libel anyone who uses logic and expects the truth from this President, when there are still more questions than answers on this "second" birth certificate? For instance; Where is the seal from the state of Hawaii on this "new" birth certificate? How about someone from Hawaii, swearing, under oath and penalty of imprisonment, that this "new" long form certificate is, in fact, a true copy of the one held in the records of that state? We have become a PC correct, Nation of Sheep. Personally, I believe that as it has now, legally, been proved (to Obamas satisfaction) that Obama's father was a British subject, Obama is not qualified, by the Constitution, to be President of The United States of America because he is not a Natural Born Citizen.  I would like to see the Supreme Court rule on this before the elections of 2012. 
Lord Howard Hurts  

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monopoly Is "The Game" For US Auto Manufacturers

Now, isn't it telling that in Japan, a country with half the population of the US, there are no less than 12 automobile manufacturers. If the US is the home of Free Enterprise, what are the reasons that there are only 3, truly American, auto manufacturers? When something is profitable, as is the auto business, where are the new, innovative, auto companies? It would seem that either Americans are not too bright (with the trillions of capital sitting around), or Free Enterprise doesn't exist in the US. Monopoly seems, to me, to be the game plan in the US auto industry. With no real competition how can GM lose?
Lord Howard Hurts  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Mental Illness Has Returned

As I sat the other morning, eating a bagel, in Panera Bread, off of Us 41, in Sarasota, two guys came in and I assumed by their dress that they were here to accept an award for their part in killing bin Laden. One was dressed in a formal coat with a top hat, and he said, " Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.” The other guy, a large white rabbit, said, "I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date." And after thanking them for their service, I began to read media accounts of this most important encounter and killing. The "slobbering's" of the media about President Obama being both a genius and a saint gave rise to my brain again "getting on The Crazy Train." As I read more, my mental illness manifested into a dreaded conspiracy theory. I began to think, and suddenly the only thought I had was a quote I remembered from grade school; "It would be so nice if something made sense for a change." (Alice, from Alice in Wonderland). 

The mentioned "million dollar mansion" brought a mental vision that was immediately erased by the actual photo of this bin Laden "hideout". I suddenly could not even imagine how these three words could be used in a serious sentence to describe this rundown stack of crude cement blocks. Then there was the photos of the inside of the "compound". Was this a joke? Was this the photo of the inside of some trailer in Kentucky? Is this the furnishings found in a "million dollar mansion"?And how was it possible for 2, slow moving, helicopters to land inside of this compound, just yards away from a military instillation, without encountering some type of assault? The pictures of the surrounding landscape show a town more in tune to donkey transportation, and surly the noise of assaulting helicopters would wake someone up. Then there was the  45 minute gun fight that turned into a 23 minute gun fight, that turned into no gun fight, and no resistance from the occupants of the compound. Then there was the wife, who threw herself in front of the weapons pointed at bin Laden, and was killed, only to return, like someone in Candide, by Voltaire. Then bodyguards with weapons, no bodyguards, and no weapons anywhere in the compound. Then the official statement that bin Laden was reaching for a rifle as he was shot. Then it was a rifle and a pistol. Then he had no weapons. Then the pathetic photo of bin Laden, sitting in his underwear, in a Snuggy, watching an old TV purchased from a clearance sale at Motel 6. Where did this photo originate? It was also said that he was so vain, that he dyed his beard, from it's natural gray, so as to look younger. I must assume that this photo was taken by the Seals during the assault, for why would bin Laden have let someone taken a photo of him in this condition? Now correct me if I am wrong, but I remember hearing, in the beginning, that when the Seals encountered bin Laden, he said,"I am not him!" And then he was shot. This would have been something that not many moral and rational humans could have done, regardless of their orders. This was apparently followed by an extremely quick DNA check, something that usually takes days to perform, to make certain that this pathetic creature was in fact bin Laden. Followed, just as quickly, with a Muslim burial at sea. And last, but not least, the official photo of President Obama, and Queen Hillary, watching the entire operation in real time on a big screen. What? Fake? It was a fake photo? Well who cares? Everything in Wonderland is mixed up. What is up is sometimes down, and what is east is sometimes west, but the truth is always the truth, unless it is not the truth. "If you set to work to believe everything, you will tire out the believing-muscles of your mind, and then you'll be so weak you won't be able to believe the simplest true things." Lewis Carroll.
Lord Howard Hurts

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Nation of Sheep

It is time for this Nation of Sheep to wake up. Based on this article: Times Tough for Energy Overhaul. Struggling Economy, Falling Oil Prices Complicate Obama Team's Agenda, December 12, 2008, by Neil King Jr. and Stephen Power.  The current  skyrocketing of oil prices is directly related to the Obama administration, and its desire to circumvent Supply and Demand, with a policy to get Americans to pay the same price, for oil, as Europeans. The administration is led by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Chu as energy secretary, and former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner as White House energy adviser. "Chu has stated that it is his goal is to ramp up gasoline taxes over 15 years to coax consumers into buying more-efficient cars and living in neighborhoods closer to work."  He further stated that,  "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."  "Ms. Browner has been a critic of proposals to loosen restrictions on oil and natural gas drilling in the outer continental shelf, arguing that such moves would do little to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and risk damaging U.S. coastlines."  Now remember, this was an article from 2008. Gasoline prices have risen 116% since Obama took office. Do you see a cause and effect relationship here? Apparently, 91% of Americans don't. Polls just taken say that only 9% of the American public think Obama is responsible for the increase in gas prices. This same poll notes that Americans think that the price increases are mainly the result of greed and price speculation. Looks to me that Americans are lazy, non think ers, and unless things change rapidly, this economy will not recover, and we will, again, elect this Marxist to another term. The Sheep Bleat, But Continue To Follow. Don't wait until the elections of 2012. Demand that Obama be Impeached, Now! This is the only way to insure that we  will have a real election come 2012, and not a  Coronation.
Lord Howard Hurts 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where's The Birth Certificate?

Yesterday, May 7, Lord Howard Hurts, emailed Jerome Corsi about the viability of his new book, Where's The Birth Certificate?,  and mentioned that he hoped that Corsi had an Ace up his sleeve, as it looked like Obama trumped him on this issue. Corsi wrote back only two words; Royal Flush.   

Friday, May 6, 2011

Remember The Gordian Knot

"To prevail, the U.S. must continue to transition from a conventional war footing to an unconventional version and make the enemy pay a heavy price for their despicable tactics. Who said this? Do your own homework, and you will find the name of the only person qualified to be our next President.

 I don't think that the Founders of this country sat around wishing for "hope and change". This country is nothing but a Nation of Sheep. We need a leader with "vision", and a clear understanding of the Constitution. This country is in decay, and unless this decay is "cut out", this Republic will not survive to even see the elections of 2012. The "Banner" must be raised, so that troop can see that there is something, and someone to follow into the battle. The "Banner" should be the call for the Impeachment of President Obama. There are more than enough Constitutional issues to bring charges. Forget, that this will not motivate our "Corrupt Congress" to  convict this Marxist, Obama, on the charges of Impeachment, but let the few in Congress, who are not either brain dead, or corrupt, lead. If the "Troops" are not gathered together, then there will be no elections in 2012, and no Republic either. Our Supreme Court needs to be challenged. Force them to handle real Constitutional issues. Obama is not qualified to be President of this country, based on our Constitution. It matters not if he was born in Hawaii or Timbuktu, his father, according to the official birth certificate, was a British Subject, and this clearly is not with the Founders declaration that a President must have two parents who are citizens of this country.  Do your own homework, and get informed as to what John McCain had to do to get on the Presidential ballot. Fact or fiction; Remember The Gordian Knot!
Lord Howard Hurts  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Narcissistic Pesident Has Caused Us Great Harm

This bin Laden killing is proof positive that we have a sophomore as President of this great nation. He has placed the entire population of this nation in jeopardy because of his narcissistic need for recognition and power. The killing of bin Laden need not be revealed to anyone. But this is not the way for Obama. He is on the media "crowing" about the event ad nauseam. If this had been an operation sponsored by either China, or Russia, they would deny, deny, deny. They are experienced and professional, and know that to "crow" about the killing would bring the "crazies" out of the "woodwork". The United States of America now faces a consolidated front  from "crazies" all over the world. The citizens of this country will soon find that our narcissistic President has caused us great harm, from his "media moment". Failure to remove Obama from office before the elections of 2012 will prove a fatal flaw for the survival of this great Republic.
Lord Howard Hurts

Obama In Wonderland

Get ready for "The Crazy Train" to get back on the tracks. Seems that the death of bin Laden is getting more "curious and more curious". " It would be so nice if something made sense for a change",  said Alice, as she strolled through Wonderland.  The stories about the death of bin Laden abound, and the revisions keep coming. When will this madness of Obama stop? Have you had enough "Change and Transparency"? This was in the POLITICO today.

White House modifies Osama bin Laden account

By JOSH GERSTEIN | 5/2/11 11:37 PM EDT Updated: 5/3/11 7:53 AM EDT

"The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.

Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces.

At a televised White House briefing Monday afternoon, Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan said bin Laden joined in the fight that several residents of the Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound put up against the Navy SEALs during the 40-minute operation.

“He [bin Laden] was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house he was in. And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don’t know,” Brennan said.

At a Pentagon briefing earlier in the day, a senior defense official said bin Laden used a woman as a human shield so he could fire shots. “He was firing behind her,” the official said.

In another background briefing early Monday morning, a senior administration official also said bin Laden put up a fight. “He did resist the assault force. And he was killed in a firefight,” the official said.

However, during a background, off-camera briefing for television reporters later Monday, a senior White House official said bin Laden was not armed when he was killed, apparently by the U.S. raid team.

Another White House official familiar with the TV briefing confirmed the change to POLITICO, adding, “I’m not aware of him having a weapon.”

“The bottom line is the team that entered that room was met with resistance and took appropriate action,” said a third American official.

The White House on Monday night declined to elaborate on the nature of the resistance bin Laden allegedly put up. However, an official confirmed that the Al Qaeda founder was shot twice, once in the head and once in the chest.

At the Monday evening briefing for TV reporters, a senior official also corrected what Brennan described earlier as “my understanding” that the woman who acted as a shield for bin Laden was one of his wives and was killed.

“A different guy’s wife was killed,” a different official familiar with the briefing for TV reporters said Monday night. Bin Laden’s wife was “injured but not killed,” the official said.

Another official familiar with the operation said it did not appear that any woman was used as a human shield, but that the woman killed and the one injured were hurt in the crossfire. The official said he believed Brennan had mixed up the episode involving bin Laden’s wife with another encounter elsewhere in the compound.

“Two women were shot here. It sounds like their fates were mixed up,” said the U.S. official. “This is hours old and the full facts are still being ascertained as those involved are debriefed.”

In another discrepancy, Brennan said during his on-the-record briefing that bin Laden’s son Khalid was killed in the attack. However, the official White House transcript had the counter terrorism adviser saying it was another son, Hamza, who perished in the raid.

The White House didn’t offer a reason for any of the changes. However, Brennan noted during his televised briefing that his information came from reports from the scene as well as live video feeds of the raid. “I wasn’t there,” he said."
Lord Howard Hurts  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Donald Trump Has A Brain

Donald Trump is correct in asking for the documentation as to Obama's passport, his adoption records, his college, and his selective service records. I would think that Obama would be happy to show his sterling academic records  so as to prove that Trump doesn't even know how to spell DUMB.  Why all the calls of Trump being a racist for asking? All the birth certificate issues were caused by the failure of Obama to produce, in a timely fashion, the asked for long form birth certificate. There are still reasonable issues involving this certificate, but none of these issues are because of anything Donald Trump did. It is the incorrect information provided by Obama Sr., and members of President Obama's family. Now that it has been established that Obama Sr. is the father, and Obama Sr. was a British Subject and or subject of Kenya, it is understood that President Obama can not be qualified to serve as President of The United States of America, as he is not a Natural Born Citizen, as defined by the Constitution at the time of its signing. So continue to make the silly jokes about Trump, and we will see who is laughing last and best.
Lord Howard Hurts

Population Is The Problem

According to the World Bank, there are 130 million people in China and 175 million people in India that are being fed grain that has been grown with water that is being pumped out of aquifers faster than it can be replaced.  So what happens once all of that water is gone?

In the United States, the systematic depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer could eventually turn "America's Breadbasket" back into the "Dust Bowl".

At some point the world could experience a very serious fertilizer shortage.  According to scientists with the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative, the world is not going to have enough phosphorous to meet agricultural demand in just 30 to 40 years.

There are about 3 billion people around the globe that live on the equivalent of 2 dollars a day or less.

What does this say about the future of the world? It says that Population is the biggest problem facing the survival of Earth today. The so called pessimistic views of Thomas Malthus are finally beginning to look like future reality. Malthus postulated the theory that because of the urge for humans to populate, that in time, the Earths human population would increase to such a numerous number, that world starvation would be the final result. His theory was also deemed anti-religious for its declaration that there should be some limit on human procreation. "Don't Shoot the Messenger", research Thomas Malthus and Think.
Lord Howard Hurts

Apples Lower Cholesterol Levels

The old adage, An apple a day, keeps the doctor away, has new meaning according to the latest studies coming out of  Florida State University. It seems that after 160 women, chosen at random, were given dried apples for one year, and their total cholesterol level dropped, on average, 14%, and their LDL cholesterol level dropped some 37%. This from eating just 2.7 ounces of the dried fruit each day. Another plus to eating these dried apples is that although 240 calories was added to the daily diet, there was a resultant weight loss of over 3 pounds per participant. It seems that the apples blocked the adsorption of fat. Although dried apples were used in the study, it is assumed that fresh apples would produce increased results. And it doesn't matter the type of apple.
Lord Howard Hurts