Saturday, December 3, 2011

We don't need a "Bigger Wolf", we need a more informed public.

December 2, 2011 - 2:03 pm
Dear Howard, The General is referring to Iran as the Chess Master in the ME. They move, everyone else reacts."

You are so correct. I posted off topic, slightly, but my "Rant" is true, and my vision of how to handle all other Sovereign Countries is to live and let live.  Always remember this German proverb: "Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." 

 It is our duty to set the example for the world and not to enforce our specific meaning of Freedom on any persons. Stop all Foreign Aid, and let the world socialist have to figure out how to feed their starving population without American Aid, and you will see a much more informed and determined world. Much the same with our misguided programs to fight poverty here in America. Is it really possible that 46 million Americans are on Food Stamps because they don't have enough money from their job to feed their families? Bunk. Just more "Making The Wolf Bigger". If America has a leader who understands this concept, then the silly airport screenings would stop immediately.  Remember the scary threat posed by Osama bin Laden? All these years of fear from a man that was "larger than John Wayne", according to our corrupt government, and the "lapdog" media? A reckless  billionaire, who lead an intelligent terrorist group that had the ability to destroy America. Then, a few years later, we see the photos of an old, gray haired, man, watching a relic of a TV procured from some remodeled Motel 8, sitting in a Snuggy, watching HSN, looking for some Wolfgang Puck cookware,  in a rundown house in some rural camel town in Pakistan.....and then the "puffed", President Obama, stories of Osama making a run for his  weapons, and the Delta team having to shoot him in the back. Come on. Wake Up! It is all a created fantasy. Politicians the world over have to create a "Bigger Wolf" to keep the citizens in line. And to be specific about Iran: Iran is just another bluff. Think about all the countries that currently have neclear weapons. Are they all stable? Is it possible to prevent one of these already neclear nations from "giving" weapons to others? Of course not. Force Iran to take care of the needs of its own population, and it will be apparent that they will not have enough money left to invest in advanced weapons programs. Divide and Conquer. 

What would Lord Howard, do if you were elected President?

First I would stop all Foreign Aid and let these world socialist figure out how to feed their starving populations themselves.  Just this move alone would start revolutions in these socialist countries that would not need anything more than American material aid. Within a few years I am sure you would have a more informed and determined world. Much the same with our misguided programs to fight poverty. Is it really possible that 46 million Americans are on Food Stamps because they don't have enough money from their job to feed their families? Bunk. Just more "Making The Wolf Bigger".  Want to inform yourself on what is really "killing" America and our Constitution? Check out this youtube:  and begin to think about placing more focus on what is happening in our nation, and let  others, who desire Freedom, fight for it themselves. As example: Cuba. Want to create a revolution for Freedom in Cuba without having to use taxpayer money or put our military at risk? Open the doors to free movement into Cuba. Let Americans travel to Cuba, send money to Cuba, and invest in Cuba. How would this oppressive (Cuba) socialist government stop its own people from joining in the world economy should this policy take place? Remember, it is not our job to tell anyone on this planet how to live. It is our duty to take care of OURSELVES, and set the example for others to follow should they desire Freedom.  We don't need a "Bigger Wolf", we need a more informed public. 
Lord Howard Hurts

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