Saturday, June 25, 2011

And From The Ashes Will Rise, Again, A "New" Civilization

A few days past, I had posted some quotes from Plato.  Upon studying and thinking about them, one can understand that the mind of man is, for all purposes, unchanged. The problems that plague our civilization today,  are the same as those of 2,400 years ago. Now with all our advanced technology are we any closer to a more civilized society, or are we just repeating that which has always existed? Take the death penalty for example. Have we devised a more humane penalty for the punishment of the ultimate crime, a crime that proscribes death as the penalty? No. We have chemical death and electric death. They are "billed" as most humane. But is chopping of the head, hanging, or dropping a huge rock on the head, any less humane or efficient? We have modern medicines that help, and sometimes cure persons of disease, but the fact is that these medicines don't work on all persons. Some still die from disease. So what is the advantage of helping a higher percentage of the sick, other than there being fewer persons effected by some type of illness? We spend millions, and millions, of dollars to explore space. Do we have any tangible benefit from all this expenditure? I don't think so. No matter how much money is spent on this most useless and worthless quest, the fact remains that humans can not live without oxygen, water, or in temperatures over 120 degrees F.  So is our actual knowledge of space anymore accomplished than that garnered by Galileo, 400 years ago? I say, "No".  All we have accomplished is to discover worlds even further than those Galileo had discovered;  a vast array of uninhabitable mass that forwards the illogical dream, that some unreachable  "heap of rock" will be the future home to human civilization. It is clear that those "infused" with higher scientific education are delusional. Isn't if a fact that when one "invents" a new technology, it brings with it unintentional consequences? Take the invention of the cell phone. Did you ever envision the day that the poorest (our government, at taxpayer expense, sees that everyone in the U.S. is able to have a cell phone regardless of their ability to pay for it.) of our citizens would be in instant communication with whomever, for whatever reason, using these phones?  Are there negative, unintentional, consequences from this invention? I think so; flash mobs; revolution, harassment, and terrorist threats, to secure my point.  The purpose of technology is to lessen the burden on the working citizens, but at the same time, as this burden is lessened, the population needs to lessen (one chain saw replaces 10 workers with axes, for example.), but that is not what is happening. The world population is increasing, logically making it a sure bet that rather than lessening the burden on workers, the displaced workers will still want and need consumer items, and because of their inability to pay (too many workers for the number of jobs available) for these items, wars will result. Has technology lessened the need for war today?  Absolutely not. And in fact, it can be shown that we are now engaged in more wars than at any other time in the history of the world.  What is the logical purpose of making the world "smaller" while at the same time making the population "larger"?  None.  This increased population will have to be diminished, so don't be surprised if the world, as we know it  today, ends by wind, water, fire, and noxious gases, and from the ashes will rise, again, a "new" civilization. Proving that nothing can be created or destroyed.  
Lord Howard Hurts

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