Monday, December 21, 2015

Take the fight to the Evil persons, and do it now.

"Iacta Alea Esto" (The Die Is Cast).  My recent posting have  garnered me death threats and insults on both my integrity and my intelligence. Actually, I never knew that there are so many descriptive adjectives for: "Crazy Person". But I shall "press on", for I truly believe that unless something is done before the elections of 2016, there will be no elections, and this country will "slide" into socialism, and our Constitution will be an artifact of the past.  To give  you a descriptive "picture" of what I believe must be done to accomplish the removal of our Impostor President, B.H. Obama ll, I place before your eyes the "mental picture" of "Jesus Driving The Money Changers From The Temple In Jerusalem". He made a whip from several cords, and attacked the money changers, and the sellers of sacrificial animals; and he drove them from the Temple. This provokes a most powerful,  imaginative, mental image for sure. It is found in narrative in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John (The Synoptic Gospels).  And please understand, that this is the only account of Jesus using force to accomplish something in all the Gospels. I am sure many of you are already laughing, and thinking, "This nut job, Lord Hurts, wants us to believe in some fairy tale from the Bible?" Well, I don't want you to believe in anything unless you research it yourself, think about, and make a conscious decision to believe it. But I do want you to think about the possibility that all life revolves in a closed cycle. That nothing can be created or destroyed. That there is nothing new "under the sun"; And regardless, if there was ever a person named Jesus, in the history of the world, or not, the fact remains that this biblical account of force, by a man "known" to be passive, holds meaning to the human experience. It holds meaning because in this narrative, Jesus did not call the police, consult a law book, or ask directions from a scholar. Instead he takes immediate action based on his personal concept of the difference between Good and Evil; He instinctively understands what needs to be done, and does it. And should you happen to be a Christian, this biblical event might make a more profound ideological  "imprint" in your conscience mind. Is this powerful narrative reminiscent to our Congress and their meeting in the Capitol building? I believe so. Is this what needs to be done? I believe so. So my fellow Christian Patriots, I ask you to stop being passive, and do as Jesus did. Take the fight to the Evil persons, and do it now. 
Lord Howard Hurts

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