Sunday, May 24, 2015

Long Live Cuba!

Is it not strange that President B.H. Obama ll and his corrupt administration are currently giddy with their new association with Fidel Castro and his equally corrupt, and vile brother, Raul? Why would the U.S. even begin to give credibility to these killers, and human rights violators? Well the answer is that B.H. Obama ll is a 'closet' communist. He said before coming into office that he was going to fundamentally change our Constitutional system of Law and Government, and this proves that he is a man of his word. 

The corrupt Obama administration, with the help and support of the Congress, is going to give hard earned taxpayer money to prop up this failure of Communism, Cuba, so that the promised fundamental change in America can move forward. But please note that we have in the Caribbean a territory (since 1898) called Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has a population greater than that of 21 states. Please further note that Puerto Rico, in 2012, voted to become a state rather than to continue to hold the status of Protectorate Territory. And where has this voter referendum gone? Nowhere. So where is the logic? Would it not be more prudent to establish Puerto Rico as the 51st state rather than to send money to a communist 'Hell Hole' like Cuba? 

Patriots. Do your own research and confirm that Puerto Rico is a better, and more moral, investment than sending our tax money to Cuba. Lets embrace the Puerto Rican people, and make this island the premier destination of choice for Freedom loving people the world over. And lets let Cuba continue its association with the bankrupt communist regimes until the people of that island wise up and rise up.........and give Fidel Castro, and his brother, Raul, what they have coming.........'death at the hands of the oppressed'.  And while we are doing this, why not give our communist President, Obama, 'the boot', and throw this 'merchant of change' out of office before the Presidential elections of 2016 as a sign that "We the people" are not having any of this transformation nonsense? But alas, America is a nation of 'Sheep', and 'Revolution' is a 'terrorist' word, and not a constructive idea, according to Homeland Security. The 'Sheep' of America will continue to bleat and default to the will of the 50 million 'slugs' on 'Food Stamps'. America is Dead. Long live Cuba.
Lord Howard Hurts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dum spiro, spero - While I breath, I hope (Cicero)

I don't know about you, but I love Greece. For the past few days I have sealed myself off from the hustle and bustle of the typical, end of American winter, and enjoyed recharging my 'pea brain' on Naxos, an island of history, and art, in the cradle of 'Thought and Freedom'. It is currently 4 PM and the temperature here is a breezy 71F; without a dark cloud in sight. As I sit in my suite at the Nissaki Beach Hotel, contemplating the azure sea that surrounds this paradise, I think about all those American families who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to not view something historic, and based in reality, but to visit a 'Mouse' and a fantasy world that teaches absolutely nothing. A visit to Disney World, in my opinion, is like a massive dose of cane sugar.......all calories, but having zero nutritional value. A trip to Naxos on the other hand is like 'pure oxygen' to the brain. So what has so unsettled me that I have taken time to post another rant against the American value system, and the 'ingesting of the worthless calories perpetuated by 'Big Media'? 

The insane economic policy just made public by the Usurper, B.H. Obama, and published by 'Big Media'....... now flooding the airwaves, and in print....... is proof positive that this President's goal is to destroy America both morally and economically. And if the Patriots of this nation don't listen, to me, and act soon it will be too late! Obama and his Marxist Administration has informed the big banks of America that they can once again make home loans to persons who do not qualify for responsible credit. He has stated that the 'poor' are being left out of the 'American Dream', and that the Federal Government (Taxpayers to you Patriots who do not understand that there is no 'Santa Clause' in the real world) will not hold any bank, or banker, responsible for any losses incurred by a default by these new 'Slugs of Marxism'. 

Did not the economy already 'crash' from such a policy? Are you ready for another round of economic stagnation? Are you ready to let the Federal Government lock up your savings, and take what they need to keep this Usurper, Marxist, B.H. Obama in power? And do not be foolish, and believe that gold in your portfolio will be of help. Remember and study the 'Gold Confiscation Act of 1934', and THINK.

I believe that any Marxist American President (B.H. Obama or Hillary Clinton, and I say Hillary "my daughter and I were under fire in Bosnia" Clinton because the polls have already given her the title.) will have to confiscate gold because it will be 'in the greedy clutches of the Enemy's of the Federal Government'.......those who have earned and saved, and prepared for their future (responsible Americans). Marxism is fueled by 'Non Thinkers and Non Producers', and the 'Thinkers and Producers' will have to be removed as the masses need their 'Disney World'. 

Dum spiro, spero - While I breath, I hope (Cicero) 
Lord Howard Hurts

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Do Or Die Time In America

 American Patriots. Isn't it time to stop the insanity? Isn't it time to logically and rationally choose a Republican President for 2016? Isn't it time to stop voting for the 'same old-same old' best of the worst? Here are 7 quotes from a man who qualifies to lead this dysfunctional, corrupted, nation. He has not been given a moment of press. Patriots. We are at the "Do or Die" time in this nations history. The corruption that has taken over the Federal Government is worse than any cancer known to man. It is time to start a 'New Revolution' and make the Constitution the "Law of the Land" once again. It is time to not only throw "Muslim" Obama out of office. It is time to punish the corrupters like Bill and Hillary Clinton (why is nobody interested in how it is possible that the Clinton daughter, Chelsea, was able to purchase a 10 1/2 million dollar NYC condo?). Now, Patriots of America, it is time to take your finger out of your nose, and to stand up like Freedom Loving men and women. It is time to get out, and see that Allen West is our next President. It is time to have a rational, non politically correct, President to lead this nation to a new rebirth. It is time to inform the corrupters that the new President will punish those who corrupted the Federal Government, and that they will not just be able to resign. It is time for Allen West for President. 

I am presently residing in Costa Rica, and I am investing my money in the future of this Central American country. I see no future in America under the corruption that presently drives the country. I see 50 million Americans on "Food Stamps".....not able to feed themselves in this most prosperous of nations. I see corruption in politics; in media; in schools; in churches; and everywhere welfare is used to 'buy' votes for the election of Democrats. Unless someone of the integrity, and bravery, of Allen West is elected President in 2016, I will continue to reside and spend my money in Costa Rica. And if you agree on my assessment of the future, I ask you to do your own research on Costa Rica, and to come down and join me. Read these 7 quotes from Allen West and Think:

“If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine.”

 “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”

“This is it. I’m going to count to five again, and if you don’t give me what I want, I’m going to kill you.” He then fired a shot “a foot” over the detainee’s head.

(Liberal Women) “have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness — to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient. 

“have to be very careful about blindly following a commander in chief that really does not have the best intent for our military.” 

“George Bush got snookered into going into some mosque, taking his shoes off, and then saying that Islam was a religion of peace.”

“The Democratic appetite for ever-increasing redistributionary handouts is in fact the most insidious form of slavery remaining in the world today,” 

Lord Howard Hurts 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Future

Christian Patriots of America. You have sat and waited, and refused to take action against the "Muslim" that lied to gain the office of President of The United States of America. And now the final 'curtain' of this tragedy is about to come crashing down. I give you the result of the 2016 Presidential elections:  The Future

The Presidential elections of 2016 are finally over. The glass ceiling has finally been shattered. "Queen" Hillary has been elected President by an astounding majority. A majority so astounding that the number of votes exceeded the entire population of the United State by more than 80 million. Heaven on Earth has now become a reality. The elections were punctuated by events that even the astute pollsters had not  taken into account, or even foreseen. It all started when the Pope had declared that he, as the living Christ, would absolve all his followers of having to ponder on whom to vote,  and declared that all Catholics, living and dead, would unanimously vote for "Queen" Hillary......... And further stating that it would be a sin to not vote for the "Peace President". And then the day before the official election there happened the event of all events: Republican Presidential candidate, Jeb Bush, withdrew from the elections, and moved into the Vice President slot that had been recently vacated, two days before the elections, by Vermont Senator,  Democrat, Bernie Sanders. Jeb had stated that he was pleased to serve the public in any capacity that he was needed to restore America to Democratic greatness. He further stated that he and his entire family had always been a "Queen" Hillary supporter. He went on to say that every utterance he had made prior to the final day of the election was sadly just a lot of 'miss spoke'. That whatever "Queen" Hillary wanted to do to restore good faith into our system of Democracy was not only his sworn duty, but his 'mission' in life. He also stated that he would support a new, and updated, Constitution. And that this new Constitution would finally give power, and equal human rights, to the common man. And to punctuate his resolve, he clinched his right hand into the power salute, and thrust it, at a 45 degree angle, into the air several times......all the while shouting "Queen" Hillary! "Queen" Hillary!  

What a glorious day for America and all Earthly humanity. Finally, racist America will be under the control of the most Just and Learned "Queen" Hillary. All issues of dispute will be settled by digital vote, and there will be no personal identification needed to vote on anything. The world, also, will be invited to vote on any, and all issues. "Queen" Hillary has said: "America is not singularly ordained to rule the feelings and emotions of its citizenry, because America is just a small part of the Earth world, and human feelings are universal. Peace on Earth will only come when the citizenry of America submits to the concept of 'World Peace." 

Long live "Queen" Hillary. Long may she serve our wretched citizenry.

Lord Howard Hurts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Grunello di Montalcino 1999 Turns Into Vinegar

Last week, I was attending a college graduation party held by a business associate for his daughter at an upscale Tampa, Florida, restaurant. The woman was newly graduated from Mount Holyoke College, and in an impromptu speech/ toast, she delivered two of the most astounding revelations I have heard in quite some time. Revelation number one was something like: "It'll be a great day when education gets all the money it wants, and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale just to buy bombers".  And the second: "Of all the courses I took at Mount Holyoke, I will always remember Professor Sandy Lawrence, and her....Whiteness: The Other Side of Racism class". And on and on she blabbed about how she was going to enter business with a duty to see that more minorities are advanced over racist whites. All this blabber when she herself, just out of college, was heading a department in a business owned by her white father, who gave her this job, maybe at the expense of not hiring some minority. This nonsense was enough to turn the  wonderful Brunello di Montalcino, 1999, I was drinking into vinegar. Such a waste (the daughter not the wine. Even bad wine produces good vinegar). But all this mindless blabber brought to my mind a quote fromMartin H. Fischer, German-American physician: Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throats.

All this talk about the value of a college education got me thinking about something Michel Eyquem de Montaigne wrote: "I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly".  On this  subject I concur with old Michel. This obsession, from our Federal Government, to insure that everyone graduating from high school is entitled to a government sponsored college education is the root of all our current social and economic problems. Now when I say, sponsored, this includes not only government paid, through Federally backed student loans, but government using the self serving degrees issued by these institutions of higher education as the "ticket" for employment. It is "one hand washing the other". We have a need, at most, for 10% of our population to attend advanced educational classes. The government on the other hand thinks that 99% participation in advanced education is the way to insure that the U.S. has the most intelligent workforce on earth. Regardless, or more  appropriately, oblivious, of the fact that the majority of jobs available in this nation today are jobs that require job training of a year or less. But it seems that the educated elite have to have some form of testing to prove that their brain is more powerful than that of the perceived "peasants". Bringing me to my point: "If the educated elitist are so smart, why don't they see that to have a workforce, of 99% college graduates, is to have only 1% of the available workforce trained or willing to do the manual labor that is required to keep our living standard in place? And if there is only 1% of the workforce willing to do manual labor, then we will have to "import" workers from all over the world to do the work that Americans don't want to do." Think that this just might create a problem bigger than the current Mexican immigrant problem? The math doesn't lie. This "Nation of Blind Sheep" is heading for a disastrous, and historic, fall. And I think it would be better if all rational persons, rather than fight, and attempt to stop this fall to Socialism that this Obama "regime" has pushed us toward, just change their voting registration to Democrat. Yes, Democrat! Let this country be 100% Democrat! Then maybe the infighting will "spawn" several new parties, and finally do away with this neutered, ineffective, Republican party we have today. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Obama Land is Wonder Land....And Obama lied about the bin Laden raid

May 10, 2015, 03:37 pm
Report: Obama lied about bin Laden raid
By Mark Hensch

"Author Seymour M. Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader's death. This decision, Hersh argues in the London Review of Books, forced the military and intelligence communities to scramble and then corroborate the president’s version of events."

Here is an article I wrote on Tuesday, May 10, 2011:

My Mental Illness Has Returned

As I sat the other morning, eating a bagel, in Panera Bread, off of US 41, in Sarasota, two guys came in and I assumed by their dress that they were here to accept an award for their part in killing bin Laden. One was dressed in a formal coat with a top hat, and he said, " Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.” The other guy, a large white rabbit, said, "I'm late. I'm late. For a very important date." And after thanking them for their service, I began to read in the news paper the media accounts of this most important encounter and killing. The 'slobbering's' of the media about President Obama being both a genius and a saint gave rise to my brain again getting on "The Crazy Train." And as I read more, my mental illness manifested into a dreaded conspiracy theory. I began to think, and suddenly the only thought I had was a quote I remembered from grade school; "It would be so nice if something made sense for a change." (Alice, from "Alice in Wonderland").

The mentioned "million dollar mansion", in the article, brought to my mind a mental vision that was immediately erased by the actual photo of this bin Laden 'hideout'. I suddenly could not even imagine how these three words could be used in a serious sentence to describe this rundown stack of crude cement blocks. Then there was the photos of the inside of the "compound". Was this a joke? Or was this the photo of the inside of some trailer in Kentucky? Were these the furnishings found in a "million dollar mansion"? And how was it possible for two, slow moving, helicopters to land inside of this compound, just yards away from a military instillation, without encountering some type of resistance? The pictures of the surrounding landscape show a town more in tune to donkey transportation than motor vehicles, and surly the noise of assaulting helicopters would have awakened  someone. And then there was the 45 minute gun fight that turned into a 23 minute gun fight, that turned into no gun fight, and no resistance from the occupants of the compound. Then there was the wife, who threw herself in front of the weapons pointed at bin Laden, and was killed, only to return, like someone in "Candide", by Voltaire. Then bodyguards with weapons; no bodyguards; and no weapons anywhere in the compound. The official statement from the Obama administration was that bin Laden was reaching for a rifle as he was shot. Then it was a rifle and a pistol. Then he had no weapons at all. Then there was the pathetic photo of bin Laden, sitting in his underwear, in a Snuggy, watching an old TV purchased from a clearance sale at Motel 6. Where did this photo originate? It was also said that Osama was so vain that he dyed his beard, from it's natural gray, so as to look younger. I must assume that this official 'kill' photo was taken by the Seals during the assault, for why would bin Laden have let someone take a photo of him in this condition? But now correct me if I am wrong, but I remember hearing, in the beginning, that when the Seals encountered bin Laden, he said,"I am not him!" And then they shot and killed him. This would have been something that not many moral and rational humans could have done, regardless of their orders. This attack was apparently followed by an extremely quick DNA check.....a check that usually takes days to perform...... so as to make certain that this pathetic creature was in fact bin Laden. Followed, just as quickly, with a Muslim burial at sea. And last, but not least, there was the official photo of President Obama, and "Queen Hillary", watching the entire operation in real time on a big screen. What the hell? Fake? It was a fake photo? Well who cares? Everything in Wonderland is mixed up. What is up is sometimes down, and what is east is sometimes west, but the truth is always the truth, unless it is not the truth. "If you set to work to believe everything, you will tire out the believing-muscles of your mind, and then you'll be so weak you won't be able to believe the simplest true things." Lewis Carroll.
Lord Howard Hurts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Chelsea Clinton Bought A 10 1/2 Million Dollar, NYC condo

I continue to be amazed by the fact that Hillary Clinton is running for the office of President of The United States of America rather than being incarcerated in a jail cell in The United States of America. This woman is Corrupt with a catpital C. I have recently heard several of the media talking heads mention, with conviction, that there is no 'smoking gun in view' when it comes to the issue of The Clinton Foundation (Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation) being a 'money laundering' operation. And that Hillary and Bill are just too smart to cross the line on legality. To this I say: 'Poppycock'! (with a capital P)  So if there are any journalists out there who want to become the next "Woodward and Bernstein" remember this logical idea posted by Thomas Reid in his "Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man" (1785): "In every chain of reasoning, the evidence of the last conclusion can be no greater than that of the weakest link of the chain, whatever may be the strength of the rest." (a chain is no stronger than its weakest link).

So journalist make your 'mark' by investigating the 'weak link' in The Clinton Foundation. And the weak link in The Clinton Foundation is none other than daughter, Chelsea Clinton, the vice chairman of the board. Please note that in 2013 Chelsea purchased a 10 1/2 million dollar condo in NYC, The Whitman at 21 E. 26th St. It was purchased through Douglas Elliman NYC, and the sales agents were Melanie Lazenby and Dina Lewis. So it might prove very interesting to know how it is that 33 year old Chelsea was able to purchase this tony NYC condo that  has maintenance fees of over $100,000 a year. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Second Look At Oman

Dear Patriots of America. I give you this article I wrote several years ago. I was wrong in my prediction at that time, but as I view the situation in the Middle East at this time, I find that my prediction just might finally hold some truth. Please read and THINK.

What I Learned In Oman
This past week I was in Oman. Oman has a history of being somewhat British friendly even today. My connection to the country is more of my former wives was a citizen of the Wilayat of Muscat, and after talking with friends there, I believe that there is a distinct  possibility that before the elections in November, American naval vessels will be in a "Pearl Harbor" situation in the Strait of Hormuz. The two aircraft carriers, currently, stationed in the Strait are "Sitting Ducks", and will go down at the first sign of war. My friends say that there is no defending the Strait in view of the current defensive strategy readied by Iran (suicide attacks). General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in January of 2012, said that Iran has invested in defensive capabilities that could block the Strait of Hormuz for months, but that the U.S. has invested in capabilities to ensure that if that happens, we can defeat Iran at its own game. 

My sources, in Oman, say that General Dempsey is most sadly mistaken in his "view" that America can defeat this Iranian strategy. They contend that a "Pearl Harbor" disaster awaits America, and should this disaster happen, this loss will demoralize the majority of Americans who are just tired of losing American military youth and being taxed for wars that have no reality to American interests abroad (it is my opinion that as most of this oil is not exported to the U.S., let the European nations handle Iran, and protect the Strait. But this is just my opinion.). And they further warn that if a major crisis should develop, in the Strait of Hormuz, before the November elections, the Democrats will win again, and so will Obama, and all the while he will pretend that he is going to "get tough" with Iran, but reality will be the usual endless cycle in diplomacy of the most rank form. And should this scenario happen, Israel will "go down", and America will not have the "push" from its citizens to help. Let me give you a history lesson on why Iran is now ready to "crush" America. And remember that 40% of the worlds oil travels through this 21 mile wide waterway. 

1. Operation Praying Mantis: "On 18 April 1988, the U.S. Navy waged a one-day battle against Iranian forces in and around the strait. The battle, dubbed Operation Praying Mantis by the U.S. side, was launched in retaliation for the 14 April mining of the USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) by Iran. U.S. forces sank one frigate, one gunboat, and as many as six armed speedboats in the engagement and seriously damaged a second frigate."

2. On 3 July 1988, 290 people were killed when an Iran Air Airbus A300 passenger jet was shot down over the strait by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes in a case of mistaken identity.

3. 2008 US-Iranian naval dispute
A series of naval stand-offs between Iranian speedboats and U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz occurred in December 2007 and January 2008.

4. On 29 June 2008, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Ali Mohammed Jafari, said that if Iran were attacked by Israel or the United States, it would seal off the Strait of Hormuz, to wreak havoc in oil markets. This statement followed other more ambiguous threats from Iran's oil minister and other government officials that a Western attack on Iran would result in turmoil in oil supply.

5. On 8 July 2008, Ali Shirazi, a mid-level clerical aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was quoted by the student news agency ISNA as saying to Revolutionary Guards, "The Zionist regime is pressuring White House officials to attack Iran. If they commit such a stupidity, Tel Aviv and U.S. shipping in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned."

6. On 27 December 2011, Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi threatened to cut off oil supply from the Strait of Hormuz should economic sanctions limit, or cut off, Iranian oil exports.

7. On 3 January 2012, Iran threatened to take action if the U.S. Navy moves an aircraft carrier back into the Persian Gulf. Iranian Army chief Ataollah Salehi said the United States had moved an aircraft carrier out of the Gulf because of Iran's naval exercises, and Iran would take action if the ship returned. "Iran will not repeat its warning...the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Gulf of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf", he said.

8. On 9 January 2012, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi denied that Iran had ever claimed that it would close the Strait of Hormuz, saying that "the Islamic Republic of Iran is the most important provider of security in the strait...if one threatens the security of the Persian Gulf, then all are threatened.

After reading the history between Iran and the U.S. since 1988, it should be clear that Iran is getting tired of being on the losing end of the disputes with America. It should be noted and understood that there are also serious internal problems that plague Iran as I write this, and one way for the Iranian "hardliners" to get the population to solidify behind the ruling religious leaders is to have the U.S. viewed as "the devil" that is keeping Israel alive and well. It is my, personal, opinion that Israel is in a "squeeze" regardless if they take offensive action or engage in a defensive action................ but for Israel to wait until after the November elections to make an attack on Iran is probably a huge and disastrous mistake. Mitt Romney is making a visit of that nation in the near future, and he is sure to advise Israel to wait until after the November elections to stage an attack. Of course he is afraid that an attack on Iran before the elections will result, as my Oman friends have said, in Obama staying in office. Romney will insist that should the attack happen after the elections, and he be the new President, he would provide "cover" for the assault. Well Romney can not be trusted anymore than Obama can be trusted. They both are ego seeking politicians, and care little about anything other than their own image. If Israel is to survive, it must make the bold move to attack before the November elections, and trust in the American people to force whomever is in office, as President, to stand alongside Israel. To wait is a sure "death sentence" for the entire population of Israel. An Obama loss in November will cause civil upheaval in America that will preclude Romney to even consider providing cover for Israel. 
Lord Howard Hurts