Wednesday, February 22, 2017

It is time for the workers of America to start a Revolution

With the election of Donald J. Trump it is time for America to stop bending to the irrational whims of the elite forces who are  holders of self serving degrees from Colleges and Universities that have so brainwashed the Democrats and RINOS into believing that only they can pick our Presidents. All the while dismissing the working men and women as "know nothings". And it is past time that the workers of America stop being bullied by these dreamers and paper pushers. Has there ever, in the history of the world, been an army of paper pushers or dreamers, that  has successfully defended their nation against those who wished to destroy it? The answer is easy...........the answer is No. 

America is an exclusive "club" and we need to treat it as such. It is time to remember that with any exclusive club there are rules that must be adhered to. Membership must be regulated. To enter into any exclusive club, personal and financial dues must be paid by each and every entrant. The very word exclusive precludes letting just casual dreamers enter and be a part of the club. America must stop letting casual dreamers come into our exclusive club without paying the personal and financial dues. It is time for the American worker to wake up to the fact that without him/her there would be no roads, homes, products, or transportation. America was made by workers not dreamers and paper pushers. 

Just how much Shakespeare does a Walmart truck driver need to know to deliver the goods to the consumer? We need truck drivers and should treat them, and all workers, with respect rather than view them as "know nothings". We need to get 100% behind Donald J. Trump and meet these College and University  "paper pushers" head on. Let the Revolution begin. It is high time for the workers of America to stand up and show their strength, or this great nation will die before the year 2020. 
Lord Howard Hurts 

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