Monday, August 28, 2017

Sanity must prevail

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.” Orwell, 1984.

Freedom of speech must be upheld. The Constitution must be upheld. Any person who covers their face; or attempts to obscure their identity; and, or, brings weapons to any rally or protest must be arrested and given 5 years hard labor without exemption. There must be logical thought and punishment for illogical actions. Chaos is not the logical state of affairs on this planet, Earth. Life exists and it can not exist in chaos. Life is just too complex to have been an accident, thus there must be a Creator somewhere who is not happy with the current state of mind and matters. It is time for the Christians of this planet to gather together and to bring back the sanity that we so desperately need to survive. Lord Howard Hurts

Sunday, August 27, 2017

It is time to fight for Donald J. Trump

Patriots of America? Are you ready to fight for Donald J. Trump? The end is near. We must immediately do more than sit and listen to Fake News. We must meet force with force. We must let it be known that we will defend the Constitution by all means possible. 
     When President Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio for his sham misdemeanor arrest, the long knives of the establishment Republicans, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Jeb Bush, and Paul Ryan, were thrust deeply into the back of our President. Isn't it time that these traitors be shown the door? Isn't it time that these Fake Republicans declare themselves Democrats? What did these "Asses" say about the pardons made by B.H. Obama ll or "Billy the Groper" Clinton? Nothing. What has this minor issue to do with the end of America coming? Well, Think about this: If one follows the logic of the Confederate monuments and statues being torn down and removed. It is only a small step to removing the foundation of American Liberty and Freedom..........The Constitution. And these "New Democrats" hold the power to move forward the agenda of the Left....right now.  
     We have been told by the Democrats that this great document, the Constitution, was written by old white men of wealth and privilege. And that some of them were slave owners. So it stands to reason, by the mob mentality of today, that the Constitution is discriminatory and not worth the parchment it was written upon. That it must be destroyed and a new Constitution written that is PC and gender non specific. So it is imperative that the Patriots of America be ready to fight this revision of our history as it will be a very cold day in Hell when John McCain, Jeff Flake, and Paul Ryan stops hiding behind Hillary "My daughter and I were under fire in Bosnia" Clinton's pants suit. So Patriots of America prepare for the fight, or continue to do nothing and watch America dissolve into Civil War and chaos. 
Lord Howard Hurts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The End is Near

Christian Patriots of America. Please read: America is lost. The newly elected Republican President, Donald J. Trump will soon be forced to resign. There is currently a fight going on between the Democrats and The Republicans in America. And because most Americans are lazy and let others do their thinking.......the majority of voters now proudly call themselves Independents, and fight all reality having to do with political and economic issues. These over educated cowards believe that everything will be alright because there is no fighting when everyone is a "Middle of the Roader". So the Federal Government moves forward ,and the call is for more Independents to participate in the pillorying of President Trump so that he will resign, or be thrown out of office by the Congress. Of course there is no known history of any nation being made stronger by having its voters Independent and "Middle of the Roaders". So just from an historical standpoint the future of America is Chaos and Ruin. And there is no doubt that America is only a year or so from complete destruction. And when in doubt vote Democrat because the Republicans only make the poor 'poorer' and the rich.......'richer'. What an intelligent theory. America is lost and you can blame it on the distorted idea of "fair play". Reality stares us in the face each waking day, and we lean towards the mistaken Democratic Party concept that America is not a God fearing country founded by God fearing Europeans who had created, over hundreds of years of trial and error, a civilization that stood head and shoulders above any previous known civilization. And from this fact America was forged, and founded, not by Independents but by God fearing Patriots who were willing to risk their all for America, the future home of the 'Brave and The Free'.
But there was a huge flaw in this new concept of nation that was unseen by these God fearing upstarts. In the quest for a more perfect union the concept of slavery was sadly overlooked. Black Africans were allowed into the new nation by government decree to work to improve the economic situation.....all the while knowing that slavery is against God's will. To take these strangers from Africa....who had no written language, no concept of God or his plan for America, or any history of civilization building..... into this nation as potential citizens was folly at its greatest point. Then came the American Civil War and the nonsense continued. These unprepared Africans were soon unleashed on America, and thus began the slow decline of this God fearing nation. It was not long before those residing in the "Ivory Towers" of academia took up the cause to make Black Africans equal to White European Americans through legislation, and not education. Then came the so called Civil Rights laws. Laws where Black Americans are more equal than White Americans by virtue of their past treatments. And today the Black African Americans still have no concept of God and family as defined by our European founders. They live to destroy rather than build because they were never educated by the "Do Gooder" elite educational types that today call themselves Democrats. And it is too late to send them back to Africa from where they came. And they are too confused to see that they must, like the native American Indians, get their own land and nation from those same "Do Gooders" that have sentenced them to complete failure. And this is why the Second Great American Civil War is coming. It will happen very soon. And it will end in the complete destruction of America. There will be no atomic bombs dropped. There will only be the complete internal destruction of the worlds most advanced civilization by those seeking equality by legislation rather than reality.

Lord Howard Hurts